Natural Dental Remedies for Babies

Posted by qcdentistry on February 15th, 2022

Teething happens when a baby\'s teeth begin to push through the gum tissue, which occurs when he or she is born with a whole set of teeth just below the gum line.

While some kids seem to develop teeth without much fuss, many parents report that their toddlers become fussy when the teeth physically cut through the gums.

Here today in this article you gonna be learn some Natural dental remedies for babies

Baby Teething Schedule

Every baby is different, and his teeth will develop at their own pace, often starting around the six-month mark and concluding around his third birthday, depending on his genetics. Some newborns may even be born with teeth that have already begun to emerge, but this is very unusual.

  • 3-6 months: Your infant may begin to exhibit the first signs of teething, such as swollen, sore gums, and fussiness.
  • 6-12 months: This is the typical age at which a baby\'s first teeth arrive. Because these teeth have a sharp edge and can quickly cut through the gums, they tend to develop without much difficulty.
  • 12-22 months: This is the typical age at which a baby\'s first molars and canine teeth emerge. Because they have a flat, broad surface rather than a sharp edge, erupting molars are often substantially more painful than front or canine teeth. Some children may have bleeding as a result of a molar eruption.
  • Baby\'s second molars usually arrive between the ages of 22 and 33 months. These, like first molars, may be excruciatingly painful.

Natural Dental Remedies

Avoiding potentially harmful teething medications does not imply that your kid must suffer as his teeth develop. Here are several natural teething solutions that are both safe and efficient.


Using clean hands to gently massage your baby\'s gums is one of the most effective methods to give relief from teething pain.


Chamomile is a moderate sedative that is suitable for children and may help to relieve fussiness and agitation. Camila chewing pills, which include chamomile, have been shown to be effective for certain parents. Alternatively, you may freeze chamomile tea in popsicle shape for the infant, or soak a towel in cold chamomile tea and offer it to him to gnaw on.

Also read: Fun Ways to Teach Kids about Oral Health

Teething gloves

Teething gloves are mittens that fit over your baby\'s hands and are coated in a tough substance (typically silicone) for the infant to chew on. The two most popular brands are Munch Mitt and Nuby.

Wooden teether

As previously said, plastic teethers may be created from or contain dangerous chemicals, but hardwood teethers are all-natural and largely risk-free. They\'re also tough enough to give comfort while encouraging healthy chewing and dental development, but without the drawbacks of freezing teething rings.

Mesh feeders

Cooled (but not frozen) meals in a mesh feeder may provide your kid with something to eat while also soothing his gums. Filling mesh feeders with apples, grapes, or other fruits and vegetables are also a fantastic alternative to processed, high-carb, and sugary teething biscuits. Just don\'t leave the infant alone when he or she is feeding.

A refrigerated damp washcloth

One of the simplest methods to bring comfort is to let the baby chew on a cold, clean, and moist towel.

DIY popsicles

Finally, my gum-soothing turmeric popsicle recipe is ideal for a teething infant. The coldness of the popsicles soothes the gums, while turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that may help relieve swelling.

Turmeric Popsicles for Gums

Turmeric can stain, but if you can manage the mess, these popsicles are a terrific method to ease a baby’s sore gums. And with just 8 grams of natural sugar from the bananas—which are beneficial for baby’s gut and microbiota and zero added sugar—you can know that they’re healthy, too!

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 65 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
  • Yield: Makes 7-8 popsicles 1x


  • 4 pcs. Ripe Bananas
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric
  • 1/8 teaspoon Ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon Cinnamon 
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Water


  • In a high-speed blender, mix all of the ingredients and blend until thoroughly incorporated.
  • Distribute evenly into popsicle molds. Freeze for at least 1 hour, or until ready to use.
  • Allow for a 5-minute thaw before serving.


Teething may be a difficult period for both newborns and parents, but your baby\'s grin will be well worth the effort. To relieve the baby\'s pain, try some of the natural teething solutions described below, such as wooden teethers and mesh feeders. 

Furthermore, never underestimate the power of distraction. Taking my granddaughter for a stroll is frequently the greatest way to distract her from the discomfort of teething.

Make an appointment for your baby\'s first trip to the dentist as soon as his first tooth appears. To maintain appropriate oral and dental growth and to prevent problems such as infant bottle tooth rot, we must care for baby teeth just as carefully as we do adult teeth.

I hope you like the article if you need any dental assistance visit us today the Dentist for kids on Chinguacousy RD or call at 905-453-0999.

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