How Therapy Treats Bipolar Disorder

Posted by Dr Deepak Raheja on July 5th, 2017

In the age that we live in today, we see that there are many individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder. Many a times this disorder is mistaken as normal depression. There has been lot of instances where people tend to become aggressive and during this phase they fail to realize that they have a problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

One needs to understand that the treatment for Bipolar Depression is different from regular depression. Therefore, a reliable and accurate diagnosis is the prerequisite for this treating this disorder. There are few excellent mental rehabilitation center in Delhi that offers complete solution for bipolar depression and helps the patient recover with positive results.

According to research, individuals who opt for therapy along with medication for their bipolar disorder are more likely to get better soon. These therapies help the individual by letting them know what needs to be done and help them cope with day-to-day life, which includes professional and personal life. These therapies also help the victims with self-esteem issues. Many mental health centres offer dependable bipolar depression treatment in Delhi.

Types of therapy for treatment for bipolar disorder in Delhi

-          Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT offers complete insight and makes a patient realize how thoughts can affect their emotions. Under this therapy a patient learns how to control their emotion and steer it in the positive direction.

-          Interpersonal & Social Rhythm Therapy

Under this therapy, the patient is made realized the value of personal relationships. This guides the patient to be patient towards the important people in their lives. This therapy also helps in reducing stress and building stronger relationship. Apart from this, one needs to know that bipolar disorder also renders a person to have overly sensitive biological clocks. Thus, Social Rhythm Therapy aims at maintaining social rhythms that includes eating, sleeping and exercising. One these are regulated, the mood swing diminishes.

-          Family Focused Therapy

It can be really difficult to live with a person suffering from bipolar disorder. Friendship may break; families could part ways and many more. Therefore, Family Focused Therapy helps in addressing such issues and helps the patient in maintaining a healthy environment at home. The therapy also educates the other member of the family as to how to tackle such a situation without intimidating the patient. Few mental health treatment centers in Delhi who offer holistic treatment for bipolar disorder. 

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Dr Deepak Raheja

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Dr Deepak Raheja
Joined: June 30th, 2017
Articles Posted: 15

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