Supplements, Steroids, and Athlete's Roulette -- Playing With a Generation

Posted by fareed shakir on April 2nd, 2019

Vitamin supplements are a thousand dollar a year industry. According to a current National Health Interview Survey, about 114 million people; more than half the adult population of the united states regularly consume vitamin supplements. Many supplements are traded over the internet, but they are also sold in mainstream nutrition stores across America. According to the Survey, most people believe that supplements require government approval. Another common disbelief is that supplement manufacturers must provide labels that is included in safety measures about their potential side effects and dangers.

People believe that these supplements are regulated and because they are being sold in mainstream nutrition stores they are safe. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, supplements are entirely unregulated in the united states. Many of these supplements are manufactured in China. Make no mistake about it, many of these supplements are very, very dangerous.

There are two main type of vitamin supplements that are especially dangerous. Fat burners and weight gain/ bodybuilding supplements. The packaging and advertisements for these supplements promise huge losses or gains. Just last year, the You. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledged this growing supplement crisis. The FDA has received reports of serious adverse events associated with the use of body building products that claim to contain steroids or steroid-like substances. Those adverse events include cases of serious lean meats injury, stroke, kidney failure and pulmonary embolism (artery blockage in the lung), stroke, low testo-sterone levels, high estrogen levels, high cholesterol, and loss of sexual desire.

Ironically, one of the most prevalent side effects of these body building supplements is gynecomastia. Which is the development of hard, painful breast tissue. In other words, the teenagers develop female breasts. Treatment plans often develops with the use/abuse of anabolic steroids. The more your testo-sterone level increases with the use of steroids, the more your estrogen level will increase as well. This abnormal raise in estrogen, often causes severe side effects. The biggest is "gyno. inch When taking steroids, the body behaves to the overabundance of artificial hormone by shutting of it's production of natural male hormone (testosterone). Once this happens, the testicles get smaller and female breast development begins.

Gynecomastia is extremely painful. A massiv, for example, can cause agonizing pain. However, for most of these teenagers, the extreme pain is dwarfed by the stigma of having female breasts. Remember, these are body contractors. The embarrassment level of having female breasts often times sparks many psychological issues. Usually, surgery is required. In essence, a breast reduction.

As a result of these adverse side effects, the FDA has issued public health advisories warning consumers to stop using any body building products that are represented to contain steroids or steroid-like substances. Most of these products are marketed as vitamin supplements.

Important, the FDA has recently taken action. Federal agents recently raided American Cellular Labs in California in order to investigate accusations these were manufacturing supplements infected with anabolic steroids. In addition, the FDA recently raided the Boise, Idaho storage place of Bodybuilding. com in the middle of accusations it is selling dozens of products containing illegal anabolic steroids. The FDA has sent an email to the supplement industry. Now, this same public health message needs to be delivered to teens and adults whom are most susceptible to this dishonest marketing.

More often than not it is teens and adults that take these body-building products. Teens today have immense pressure to perform athletically. They see their peers getting bigger, stronger, and faster. These same peers are receiving full scholarship grants to big time colleges. They feel pressure from the athletes they compete against. They feel pressure not to be left behind. If you don't keep up, you don't play. If you don't keep up -- you won't get the college scholarship. It's simple. Simple and intensely hazardous. stanozolol for women

These kids know that steroids are illegal and may be harmful. So they really turn to supplements. The supplement products are traded in national nutrition store chains, they are sold in mainstream fitness magazines, and they are sold in health clubs all over America. We are not talking buying drugs from the shoe of a car in a poor parking lot. No, these supplements are traded in brightly lit mainstream stores, magazines, health clubs and other places. So these kids figure the supplements must be safe. Otherwise, how can you buy these supplements at national nutrition store chains? In reality, these kids are playing with their safe practices. These vitamin supplements are dangerous.

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fareed shakir

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fareed shakir
Joined: February 28th, 2019
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