The widening scope for next generation filmmakers

Posted by alisonreid29 on June 25th, 2014

Filmmaking is an art form that is practiced for years throughout the world and is integrated into the fabric of the society. It has evolved and changed over the years in production value, technique and handling of a subject. Filmmakers today are specialized in the subject and most of these next generation filmmakers take formal training at film schools. There are many more platforms too today for them to showcase their talent. The result has been very positive. We see more talented diverse filmmakers who are passionate about their work and make movies they believe in. These filmmakers have what it takes to make it big in the industry. All they need to do is sharpen their skills and use the resources at hand wisely.

The talented diverse filmmakers make socially viable movies that are rich both in sensibilities and content. Marketing a movie is a more daunting task. The next generation filmmakers have a wide option of distributing and marketing at their disposal that has changed the traditional methods of film publicity. Internet has transformed the landscape and through digital media such as online releases, the budding filmmakers are directly reaching the end users. They use media tools to connect with their audience, create an interactive working field by incorporating audience feedbacks in their films. The emerging filmmakers are no longer considered inept and through the new media tools they are quickly crossing over to join the league of more established filmmakers.

Next generation filmmakers no longer rely only on film festivals for screening their movie. They collaborate with other filmmakers and release a part of their movie online. If it grabs attention it is approached by the online media or other production houses to release their movie. They may screen the films in parts or in series. The talented diverse filmmakers are changing the approach to filmmaking and are more experimental, confident and innovative in their work.

Next generation filmmakers have a more level playing ground to showcase their work. Minorities or those with disabilities are no longer sidelined and again thanks to the technological invasion they have the tools at hand to make movies, promote and distribute them. Editing and other production issues that were once time consuming, is now easy and fast and the results are much sleek. The global movie scenario on the whole is inclusive and respectful towards talent. Thus talented diverse filmmakers irrespective of their color, gender or caste have the opportunity to establish themselves.

Given the global interdependence, diversity is the new flavor and oneness in diversity the new language of filmmaking. Next generation filmmakers do not restrain themselves to regional subjects and demographics. An Indian filmmaker for example, can make movies on the 9/11 attack in the US or an Italian filmmaker can take up issues on wildlife conservation and make movies on polar bear. The present atmosphere is conducive for growth. The filmmakers uphold relevant issues and make films their canvas to make people aware of global concerns. The blockbuster commercial movies will always have a market and a dedicated audience. What is more promising for the talented new filmmakers is that they have a market for their films as well and can create their niche audience.

The scope for talented new filmmakers is varied and many. Next generation filmmakers are more informed and have new tools at their disposal.

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