Wheelchair Vans: Features to Look for

Posted by webteam on June 26th, 2014

The decision to buy or rent a wheelchair van would not create any trouble, especially in the US. Most of the States in the country offer converted utility vehicles at affordable rates. Finding a dealer or a reseller is just the matter of searching online or enquiring with organizations entrusted with the task in your area.

What to look for when buying one? The vast array of choices available in accessible vehicles may appear to be daunting for an average customer. Here are some helpful tips.

How safe is the van? You may be searching for a van to transport a wheelchair bound person on a regular basis. Or, the driver himself may be a person who uses the same. Whatever is the situation, safety should be your foremost priority when looking for an accessible vehicle. And, it should not be confined to a time when you are safe on the road; the van should offer utmost protection even at the time of accidents. If you are planning to buy a used van, the space, the age of the driver and even the type of arrangement to keep the wheelchair bound too should be evaluated. It is true that wheelchair vans are modified to fulfill the specific requirements of a disabled driver. But, that does not mean that your choice is limited to known models or designs. Rent any model, color or design of your choice and modify the vehicle to suit your needs.

How reliable is the service provider? The reliability of the dealer of your choice too should deserve utmost attention when searching for an accessible vehicle. If your vehicle faces an accident on the road, would it be able to offer assistance?

Ramp or lift? This too is something you should decide based on your requirements. If you are the person who drives the vehicle, a lift would be an ideal choice. Asking for a demonstration is highly recommended. This would help you understand the functioning of the systems installed in the van.

What about its interior restraints? The interior restraints in a vehicle are the straps or metal pieces which attach the wheelchair to the van. Earlier, manufacturers used straps which tied the chair to the vehicle. At present, companies use metal pieces to attach the chair to the van. Consider the mobility requirements of the person in question and take an informed decision accordingly.

Manual or motorized ramps? Most of the dealers offer ramps which can be operated manually. However, motorized ones too are available upon request. Manual ramps are generally preferred to the motorized ones due to ease of maintenance and durability.

Hand Controls? Choose quality and nice looking hand controls for cars like push accelerators, brakes and clutches that will allow you to drive easily and with no worries.


A research on the Internet would come up with thousands of models from which you can choose from. Even accessories and features can be added upon demand. But, you are the one who should be the ultimate judge. Evaluate your requirements and go for the one which fits well within your budget. Truly, mobility away from wheelchair is not a distant dream anymore. It is a reality, within the easy reach of even an average disabled person.

Find hand controls from Guidosimplex – Italian manufacturer in United States and get all needed info at this website.

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