DIY or professional website designers Liverpool?

Posted by wecanmedia on July 22nd, 2014

With so many DIY kits of software out there telling you that you can create an awesome website in minutes, with a multitude of templates to choose from it can seem like a bit of a no brainer when you wonder if you need to hire a professional. I mean why would you? You can apparently buy a domain name, create the website and bang it’s ready there for you to propel your business forward into the limelight. Or is it? Before you completely brush website designers Liverpool based companies aside, ask yourself a few simple questions…

Can you adjust the coding of the website to create an individual design as opposed to a commonly used template?

Can you create a responsively designed website that will adapt to any screen size?

Can you incorporate SEO tactics which will help potential customers find your website?

Do you have time to create authoritative and engaging content that’s updated on a regular basis?

Perhaps after reading these you’re starting to realise that website design is actually a little bit more in depth than you first thought? Although there are many DIY kits that let you create a website, there are very few which allow you to create a truly original and unique one unless you know a little about CSS (cascading style sheets) and HTML (Hypertext Markus Language) for example. These, unfortunately, are not for the novice which leaves any ‘DIY’ers’ with a website that looks the same as a million others. For some this is a minor setback and something they’re willing to overlook, unfortunately it’s not the only one. With the introduction of smart phones and tablets came a surge in Internet use as well as a change in the way people searched for the information they wanted.

The world is now accessing the Internet in a completely different way than ever before with the ability to check their emails and shop on the move, whether that’s on their way to work or on their commute home. So naturally this creates a requirement for responsive design meaning your website can adapt to any screen size possible. In order to turn your visitor from potential customer to actual customer you need to offer them an easily navigable website that’s completely functional and unless your website can respond instantly by adapting to the screen size of a smart phone and still remain fully functional you’re going to have a problem keeping people with you.

On top of this you then need to make sure your website doesn’t sink amongst a billion others by using SEO techniques to help drive traffic towards it, after all would you create an amazing billboard only to place it where no one could see? SEO isn’t easy requiring time and effort as well as an ability to write engaging content regularly, decipher Google analytics and understand things like back links and Meta data. To put it into perspective, these are merely the basics outlined by many web design Liverpool companies.

If you’ve quite rightly realised that the success of your online presence really should be in the hands of a professional then take a look at Wecan Media, website designers Liverpool based who have a proven track record for success.

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Joined: March 5th, 2014
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