What to Expect From Treatment for Dry Eye

Posted by keywhitman on August 21st, 2014

Dry eye is a rather common problem that does have a solution. When the condition is troubling enough or happens with such frequency that medical attention is needed, there are a number of treatment options available. There’s simply no reason to suffer through the itching, scratching, and burning that can go along with dry eye.

What is Dry Eye?

This condition can have a number of causes, including aging, eyelid issues, use of certain medications, environmental factors, and more. When dry eye is present, essentially the eye’s tear production is impaired for one reason or another. Whether it’s too little oil, not enough water, or a lack of mucus, tears don’t flow to moisten the eyes as they should and dry eye results.

Dry Eye Treatment

There are a number of options for treatment that patients can explore. If a case has progressed to the point that a trip to the eye doctor is called for, the treatments recommended may include:

  • Use of artificial tears or ointments – These are the quickest and easiest treatment options available. They involve the use of over-the-counter or prescription products to replace natural tears.
  • Supplements – These may be recommended to nourish the body and help the eyes recover their own natural tear balance.
  • Surgical procedures – In some cases, it may be recommended that small collagen or silicone plugs be placed to stop the eye’s natural lubrication from escaping.
  • Prescriptions – There are prescription medications that can also help lessen symptoms.

There’s no reason to suffer with itchy eyes. Treatment for dry eye is available and can make a big difference.

About Author
Key-Whitman Eye Center has been recognized as a leading eye-care facility providing LASIK eye laser surgery for vision correction & general eye care services. Treatment for cataracts, glaucoma, and corneal disease as well as routine eye care in addition to vision correction is offered by the eye center.

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Joined: October 24th, 2013
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