Crear un blog gratis: All that you require to know

Posted by SharonEvans on September 28th, 2014

Most bloggers say that they jumped to the bandwagon of blogging out of sheer passion. However, to take it for granted would be a total mistake. If it was mere interest, then the factor of impacting on others would not have followed. Money making with blogs is surely a good prospect and a large number of writers take to blogging for that reason only. However, this is not to say that one cannot crear un blog gratis. The ‘free’ aspect is always there, but it is just to notify that money has come hand in hand with blogging. If you make your own blog, the choice is yours if you wish to do it for free or get paid in return.

It is common to find most amateur bloggers crear un blog gratis using free blogging services like WordPress or LiveJournal and the like. All of them come with their fair share of advantages and disadvantages.  However, before signing up for free blogs, it is worthwhile getting to know about the blogging services in full. This helps one make an informed decision before setting up the blog. This is because it’s easier to set up a blog properly right from the beginning than come back later to change it again.

What is a free blog?

By free blog, one refers to the free, hosted services like WordPress (as stated above). These services help budding bloggers set up their blogs after filling out an online form. Thankfully, with these, the blog is hosted on free blogging services without any need of web hosting accounts. Also, a ‘domain name’ is not required for it is accessed as a ‘sub-domain’ of the domain name of the respective blogging service.

Basic guideline of creating a free blog

If you are a beginner and wish to make your own blog, read below for a step-by step guide to create blogs for free:

-Name the blog

The first things that must be done is adding your name and selecting a sub-domain of the original domain name. The rule for doing this is avoiding one’s name as the domain name and instead going for a generic one that can be branded later with the custom domain.

-Selecting a template

Following the first step, a template must be sleeted for the blog. Starting with a random one is not a problem. Later if the need arises; resorting to the help of a custom template for a better design is acceptable.

-Writing a post

If the blog is almost ready, you can start writing posts. There are a number of settings that are required at this step but they can only arrive after the first free blog is created. So, it is unwise to tread into the territories of something that can wait for a while.

There are many people who look forward to crear un blog gratis. The trouble ensues when they are not equipped with proper knowledge. Moving in a planned way will surely help them fetch quality results.

Do you want to crear un blog gratis? We are a user-oriented site helping you make your own blog share photos and videos or advertise about your business products and services.

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