Dental Studies Confirm Why a Home Water Distiller is the Way Forward

Posted by makewaterpure on October 11th, 2014

Our government routinely tells us that the chemical additive, Fluoride, is good for our teeth but actual science routinely proves otherwise. Fluoride has even been confirmed as a toxic substance that can actually destroy teeth, especially those in developing young children and babies. Here we look at Fluoride in further detail and find out just why a HOME WATER DISTILLER is the way forward for everyone.

When people become exposed to excessive levels of fluoride via our drinking water it can often result in a condition known as dental fluorosis. The internal uptake of fluoride into our teeth over time causes enamel to discolour and become damaged. The end result is damaged teeth that have essentially rotted from the inside out. Studies have also shown that the fluoride intake in the first four years of a child’s life is individually related to fluorosis on central incisors with the first year being most significant. Infant formulas made from fluoridated water can provide 100-200 times more fluoride than breast or cow’s milk.

Simply put young children have a much higher risk of severe tooth damage especially during their first six months. A child’s first six months is when the blood-brain barriers are yet to fully form and low indigestion levels can cause direct depositing of fluoride into teeth, brain and other tissues and organs. This may in time cause disorders of the brain and nervous system along with the kidneys and bones.

Unfortunately there is no legitimate reason to fluoridate water. In doing so the government are forcibly medicating the entire UK population with a carcinogenic, chemical drug. Sadly no one really knows how much we ingest or absorb on a daily basis, as it’s too widespread to calculate but political pressure and bad science have continued to justify it in spite of growing evidence showing its dangers.

For those who want to avoid it however there is an answer and it’s much more effective than simply buying non fluoridated toothpaste. A company called Make Water Pure are now the leading suppliers of a WATER DISTILLER for the HOME here in the UK. Distilled water is the purest form of water you can get coming out at around 99.8% pure. The process for water distillation is based on Mother Nature’s own process for purifying water by boiling and subsequently condensing the water, with the chemicals and toxins effectively left behind in the process.

At Make Water Pure you can purchase an entire water distillation system for under £150 and provide you and your family with four litres of distilled water in as little as three hours. With their counter top HOME WATER DISTILLER you can continue to supply non-fluoridated water to your family on a daily basis and completely rid them of the dangers of this chemical. Home water distillers are the way forward so for a quality and long term solution at a great price, head over to Make Water Pure.

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Joined: June 17th, 2014
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