
Posted by jodaniels30 on October 29th, 2014

If outdoor gardening is not an option for you, you should practice indoor gardening that is hydroponic gardening. Hydroponics doesn’t use any soil and plants are not bothered by any diseases that incubate in the soil. Thus, the environment is strictly controlled in order to produce the best results in plant growth. Although hydroponic gardening started as an experiment over 100 years ago, nowadays this method is becoming widely accepted.


Hydroponic growing is now used in commercial crop farming because people who use this method can harvest a large amount of crops in a small space. Hydroponic growth method enables farmers all over the world to grow crops that are produced organically. Furthermore, the growing season can happen all year long for most plants, especially when the gardener uses the adequate light source for each plant.

Hydroponic growth of plants requires a type of lighting which is called high intensity discharge light. These lights were created in order to produce the correct spectrum of light waves, which enables plants to grow using this alternative growing system. Hydroponics is not only about providing the right source of light but also about using a variety of other components, selected according to your own preference and to the plant’s growth requirements.

Hydroponic growing also involves choosing an active or a passive hydroponic system. Active systems use pumps and times and other electronic devices while passive systems use some electronic gadgets but they don’t require any pumps. The total cost for preparing to use a hydroponic growth method can be quite costly at the beginning but in order to make sure that you will produce successful plants you need to invest in the adequate materials or know how to improvise in order to minimize the cost of this investment.

Hydroponics doesn’t require the disposal of solid medium and it is recommended to be adapted in areas where the soil isn’t suitable for the growth of plants. Although hydroponics presents several important advantages, it has some draw backs, such as the expensive cost of the hydroponic system, the maintenance requirements are strict, and the failure of timers and pumps can lead to a quick death of plants. Hydroponics is still useful in plant teaching and research and also in plant growth as long as it is done properly.

Hydroponics has both its advantages and disadvantages but it’s up to you to decide which of them are most important. To conclude, hydroponic gardening requires less space, less growing time for the plants, reduced labor and garden maintenance, water conservation, recyclable nutrients, higher yields and more control over the plant rooting environment.

On the other hand, although hydroponics represents the future of plant cultivation world wide, it presents some disadvantages such as: high set up cost, skill and knowledge on behalf of the grower in order to maintain optimum production, plants share the same nutrient and all of them can be infected with the same disease, hot weather and limited oxygenation will limit production. It is important to understand both the positive and the negative aspects of hydroponics in order to be able to take decisions that are right for your individual requirements and expectations.

Hydroponics: www.hydroponics.eu  is definitely a solution for gardeners all over the world who are facing soil problems. The major advantage of hydroponic: www.hydroponics.eu  gardening is the isolation of the crop from the soil, thus avoiding diseases, pests poor structure and drainage.

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Joined: October 27th, 2014
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