If You Love Jewelry, Read This Piece

Posted by AllmaJess on December 19th, 2014

The world of body piercing has taken body jewelry to new heights. Many people like the feeling of having their tongues pierced, but having metal jewelry in your mouth can be damaging to your teeth. There are many colorful options available for plastic tongue jewelry that is safer for your mouth and won't make your dentist cringe.

Wearing less jewelry can actually make a bigger statement than overloading yourself with many smaller pieces of bright gold and shiny stones. Large pieces are trendy right now, so when stepping out, pick one or two pieces of jewelry that are bold and dramatic. Try pairing a large, handmade bracelet with dangling earrings.

Metal allergies can make wearing any type of jewelry, most especially wrist watches, itchy and painful. A simple way to alleviate the itch that some non-precious metals (common in many watch cases) can cause, change your watch band to one made of leather or cloth and then apply a coat of clear nail polish to the back of your watch. The nail polish, while not permanent, can easily be reapplied when needed and protects your skin from being in direct contact with the metal case of the watch. If the buckle of that new watch band is metal, don't forget to give it a coating of nail polish as well. Even that tiny bit of metal can cause some serious discomfort to those with sensitivities.

Educate yourself about the gems you have in mind before going to make a new purchase of jewelry. You need to know what questions to ask in order to avoid being taken advantage of by a jeweler. Nothing feels much worse than being ripped off for something you thought was a high quality product.

Many types of metals will quickly tarnish when exposed to air for prolonged periods of time. One of the easiest ways to avoid this is by placing them in an air-tight location. A great and simple solution is purchasing small zipper plastic bags and then carefully sealing your jewelry inside them.

Many precious gems and stones cannot be put in a cleaning solution. It is important that you understand the composition of your ring and the composition of your cleaning solution. Some stones like pearl, opal, turquoise and other soft gems can get damaged by the harsh chemicals found in jewelry cleaner.

Make sure you store your pearl jewelry in breathable bags, away from other jewelry that may scratch your pearl jewelry. Pearls can easily become flawed so it is important that you keep it away from jewelry that may scratch their surface. You should never keep your pearls in a zip-lock bag.

Gifts of jewelry are often given to romantic partners. A romantic presentation is a great way to enhance a romantic piece of jewelry. Packaging and decoration can be used to make an attractive piece of personalized jewelry look even better. Theatrical presentation also makes for a more memorable gift-giving. Jewelry given with a ceremony will remind its recipient not only of a relationship but also of a particularly romantic moment.

In conclusion, millions shop for jewelry daily. Many men and women young and old like jewelry. There are so many different kinds of jewelry for people that it make shopping for jewelry a little difficult. If you use the advice that was provided in the article, you should have an easier time shopping for jewelry that fits you.

The article you just read was intended to properly inform you on tips you can use and steps you can take when you are shopping for jewelry. You may still want to seek outside help to assist you on a handmade bracelets or on an Personalized jewelry, but do not neglect to use what you have just learned here as well.

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