Benefits Offered by Brown Box Branding

Posted by katebrandon250 on January 6th, 2015

If you have not heard about Brown Box Branding, you should know that you are missing a great opportunity that will allow you to promote your brand online in a safe and effective manner. Whether you run a large, medium or small company, the team at Brown Box Branding can help your business achieve the recognition it deserves.

With experts in web design, and methodologies in line with Google Webmaster Guidelines, they’ll work hard to ensure your brand is impressive to both visitors and search engines alike. With user-centric designs, and a solid understanding of SEO best practices, the goal is to drive the largest amount of traffic possible to your website, and convert those visitors to customers at the highest possible rate. The team leverages the power of Search Engine Optimization and the science of Conversion Optimization to make this possible. This is a specialty that few digital agencies possess. In fact, Brown Box Branding was recently awarded the SEO Web Design award by for their proficiency in this approach.

With over 80% of consumers researching products, services and businesses online before they buy, it’s essential for successful companies to have a strong online presence. However, running a business requires owners & managers to devote a tremendous amount of time on tasks required to keep the day-to-day operations moving forward, and often, digital marketing tasks take a back seat. Working with a credible digital agency significantly lessens the burden you’ll experience when it comes to establishing your online presence. 

“It’s absolutely essential that you position your brand where consumers are looking for the products and services you provide,” said Jeff Bickley, principle at Brown Box Branding. If you can’t be found there, your competition certainly will be.

Not all Agencies are Created Equal.

In recent years the landscape has changed significantly when it comes to positioning your brand in the search results. Google has released several major algorithm changes, which has had a devastating affect on businesses around the globe. When deciding on an agency to market your website via online channels, it’s essential that their approach is consistent with Google Web Master Guidelines. Even if you’re able to accomplish short-term gains by taking short-cuts, violating these established terms will spell disaster for your brand in the long-term. 

“Google has a vision for the Internet, and they’re committed to that end,” said Bickley. “If making the web a safer and more enjoyable experience for users means penalizing a website for violating what they consider to be of low quality – or worse, spammy, then so be it.”

The days of throwing together a website, copying & pasting content, and spamming the net with hundreds or thousands of backlinks to improve your rankings are over. Beyond these obvious “black hat” tactics, there are close to 200 other guidelines that must be followed in order to keep your site out of the penalty box.

In order to avoid these errors, it’s essential that you work with a firm that understands what’s required in today’s rapidly changing digital world, and invest in an online presence that will stand the test of time (and the next batch of Google algorithm updates).

If you'd like to learn more the services Brown Box Branding provides, simply visit their site. There, you can read more about their experience in this field, see samples of work and much more.

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