Why Render the Walls of Your Housing Property?

Posted by Mike T. on February 11th, 2021

Wall rendering is the method of adhering a combination of wet cement and sand to a trunk wall. Rendering gives the wall a sturdy outlook for masking the original wall material. If you follow the right protocols and use suitable materials, you will make a wall yourself. The outer part of the building is sensitive to weathering and erosion. Lack of a wall coat will trigger various issues with time. If left unattended, the damage will exacerbate, eventually will turn reparation more expensive.

The following reasons are why we encourage property owners to render their property.

To add a sense of aesthetics: 

The biggest reason to render the house is to improve the image. Attaching a render coat can liven up a ragged looking wall, and it gives you the chance to give the whole place a facelift. Any properties could have a real mish-mash of brick styles, unattractive wear from years of exposure, or look tired and ugly. Adding a render layer allows you the ability to entirely alter the look of the property, giving you a sleek and even finish. Back in the 1970s, that seemed to mean pebbledash, but now the trend is typically a smooth white render.

If your render is aged or maybe scratched, you might need to render as well, which involves stripping off the old render and restarting the bare wall.

You may also have stained brickwork that tends to look rumpled very quickly, in which case installing rendering will be a superior solution for needing to re-paint every 5-7 years. 

To save up on electricity bills:

In the UK, homeowners lose about 40% of the heat trapped within the winters’ walls. As a result, one can save up to £400 on the heating costs every year due to wall insulation. The annual cost of external wall insulation can be quite expensive; however, the benefits are prominent, and with the number one being able to save on the prices, it won't be that long before it pays off. 

Any property owner can save up to £375/year from electricity consumption in the UK if you have a detached house. 

Another £135/year in terms of a mid-terrace, and almost £105/year if you live in an apartment. 

Minimizing dampness or moistness within the walls:

Another reason people choose to return home is to deal with water leakage. Some types of brick, particularly in exposed areas, can be vulnerable to damp exposure caused by the natural elements over a long period. Water flows through the concrete brick wall and into the living space. Adding a sheet of render towards the house’s outer wall, the water's direction is limited, which prohibits this form of damp from occurring. Of note, this is just the case for older concrete houses. When you have a cavity wall, you're not going to get a penetrating clam like this. If you have damp problems before making your house, contact a professional to look at it and let you know the right plan of action.

In some circumstances, rendering would not be the answer, and in those cases, you can use dehumidifying, ventilation, or heating methods to deal with this issue. 

To protect the walls:

Render is excellent to protect your walls. Over the days, brickwork will erode and may also require restructuring, especially in more vulnerable parts, brickwork might sustain massive pressure due to extreme climatic conditions. 

Rendering provides a defensive shield from the outside world, which assures that the brickwork remains untouched.

To increase the resale value of the property:

External wall insulation can be expensive. 

Additionally, the money you save on your bills will also increase a property’s value.

Besides aesthetics, if your ventilation affects your estate’s energy usage enough to enhance its EPC, then the asset’s price may increase. 

Nowadays, people are still searching for productive properties with a high EPC value, so your insulated property will be more attractive to prospective buyers. 

Different types of wall rendering to choose from; however, it’s also crucial to select the ideal one according to your needs, including your building.

Acrylic: An acrylic rendering is any form of rendering that uses acrylic, a type of plastic, in a mixture. The acrylic makes the render much smoother and more flexible than the conventional rendering mixtures, ensuring that it is much less likely to break. 

Mineral Rendering: Mineral rendering is breathable, has a short drying time, is exceptionally resistant to corrosion, and is very robust. It falls right in the middle in terms of cost, so it's a decent choice for many properties. For some insulating materials, abrasion resistance is critical so that minerals can be the preferred option for many of these installations.

Silicone: This form of making is the costliest, but it has many positive sides, such as– self-cleaning and waterproof. The one disadvantage is that it requires a milder weather condition for cleaning.

Some local companies that provide wall rendering services around the UK are listed below:

  • Jigsaw Brickwork

  • The Good Painter

  • Render Meister

  • Protex Midlands

  • Hodgson Rendering Specialists Ltd.

  • Brix Seal

  • Singleton Brothers

  • Eco Render

  • Avant Coatings


There are a few pretty good reasons to want to render your property despite living inside a modern building. And yes, it is costly according to the whole setting of the house you live in, it’s not bearable for most people. But you must render the outside of your walls at least once in 10 years if you have the budget.

After reading this guide, you must have many solid reasons to consider wall rendering. 

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Mike T.

About the Author

Mike T.
Joined: February 2nd, 2021
Articles Posted: 1