WRUP: Our favorite 6.1 things edition

Posted by esogoldforsale on January 24th, 2015

Patch 6.1 is accepting anytime nearer, and as we apprentice added about what the application will accompany we all accept our admired things about it. So this anniversary if we bent up to allocution about what we were arena this weekend, we aswell aswell took the time to allocution about our admired things in application 6.1 (so far).World of Warcraft Gold.

Are you arena WoW this weekend? Jump into the comments to acquaint us what you're up to -- and what you're searching advanced to in application 6.1. Otherwise, apprehend on for what aggregation WoW Insider is arena this weekend.

Adam Koebel (@BendakWoW) I'll apparently absorb a bit of time on the PTR this weekend, and of advance added Dragon Age Inquisition. As for 6.1, I'm searching advanced to a few things. First, the date 4 crafting upgrades because I accept the complete affliction luck with boodle and I charge them as a crutch. Weapon drops? What are those? Next, the jukebox is something I'm appealing aflame about. I absorb a lot of time in my billet and it will be nice to change the tunes. I just achievement they accept an absorbing (but not too grindy) way of accepting the altered tracks. I'll be traveling afterwards the Storm Peaks music first! I aswell like all the new addict stuff, such as the reroll items you can acquirement with billet resources.

Alex Ziebart (@AlexZiebart) I'm in crisis approach to get my book published, so it's absurd I'll be accomplishing any gaming this weekend. It's been in finishing touches appearance for way best than all-important and I absolutely wish to get it out there already. Five year action is too long! I'm aflame for the claret elf models because while I don't accept any claret elf characters, I do accept an Orb of the Sindorei. That agency all of my characters are a little bit claret elf.

Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) I'm not abiding what I'm traveling to be accomplishing this weekend, but I anticipate a lot of of it is traveling to be spent abroad from the computer, save for autograph of course. I just accomplished the aboriginal (second?) leg of the allegorical alternation and I accept to delay until Blackrock Foundry comes out until I can activate plan on the next part, so I'm searching advanced to that -- although that doesn't absolutely accept annihilation to do with 6.1. I'm searching advanced to seeing the assorted archetypal tweaks and fixes go live, and blockage out what the new claret elf models attending like.

Dan O'Halloran (@danoh) Running Highmaul this anniversary on my Druid and Monk healers to abide acquisition the drops bare for the allegorical ring quest. Also, and I apperceive I say this every week, I'm traveling to try to accomplishment the Nagrand adventure line. I swear! As for 6.1, admitting the Scavenger nerf makes me sad, I'm blessed to see we can buy addict retraining certificates for billet resources. Accepting seven followers with Danger Zone and alone two with Wild Aggression is actual frustrating. I'm aswell searching advanced to the new Allegorical follower.

Elizabeth Harper (@faience) This weekend is focused on alteration my resume and sending in job applications afterwards accident some freelance plan over the accomplished week. Such is the alluring activity of anyone who writes for a living! But I'll aswell apparently be continuing my pet accumulating adventure -- I'm boring alive my way appear the carnival achievements. For application 6.1, I'm searching advanced to accepting heirlooms aback in the bold for added alt leveling... and I achievement to see some heirlooms adapted for angelic paladins, back I've been absent to akin a new draenai.

Elizabeth Wachowski (@leeatwaterlives) I'd like to get my akin 99 advocate up to 100, but I may be absent by a abrupt appetite to play Skyrim.

Matthew Rossi (@MatthewWRossi) I'm traveling to be account my new archetype of Passport to Magonia (if you're curious) and cerebration about what the UFO allegory means, in a avant-garde context. I'm aflame for the new claret elf models.see more at:
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