Common Myths About Life As A Songwriter

Posted by makehits on February 6th, 2015

Songwriting is an art that lets you express yourself and reach people’s heart through your melodies. Unlike other arts; songwriting doesn’t follow any fixed set of rules; that’s why there are many misconceptions associated with this art that can leave any new songwriter confused. Here are some top myths associated with songwriting, brought to you by The Serious Writers Guild-the best place to get expert guidance on songwriting, songwriting publishing deal etc.

Myth No. 1:  “Only a few become successful in this field


Everyone who has the will to become successful and is dedicated towards his art can become successful. It takes a lot of work and dedication and creativity. Whether you go the traditional routes of marketing your music and pursuing a songwriting career or find interesting freelance jobs as a songwriter, you'll have to always give your best to be successful.

Myth No. 2:  “Songwriters do not get recognition”


It is required by law to include the names of everyone who has contributed to the production of a music piece, no matter how small. Therefore, songwriters definitely get all the recognition they deserve, according to the talent they bring to the table.


Myth No. 3:  “Success comes instantly to some people”


It’s not true, as even the biggest songwriters of the music industry had to see some struggle in their life. The key to success is sticking around, doing your work and not getting discouraged by the disappointments you’ll encounter along the way. If you enjoy your work without being perturbed by disappointments and failures, you will surely find your golden route to success.

Myth No. 4:  “Getting a songwriting publishing deal should be your only aim”


As an aspiring songwriter, you would surely want industry recognition and a good publishing deals for songwriters. But, that should not be your only goal. As songwriting is an art that becomes more refined with experience, your focus should be on improving the quality of your work. The more you work towards its perfection, the more successful you will be and more publishing deals will come your way.

Myth No. 4:  “If your song is good, even home recording will do”


Your song is just like your resume, it’s the first thing that people in music industry will notice about your work. A professional recording of your song (even if it’s a simple guitar or piano and vocal) will go a long way towards presenting you as someone who is serious about his or her craft. People in the music industry spend a lot of time listening to demos, and odds are high, they are going to give ones that are of professional quality the most attention.

Myth No. 5:  “It’s hard to find good opportunities these days”


There are plenty of good opportunities for songwriting if you put your heart and soul into it and have the patience and perseverance to write not just good songs but great songs that appeal to people.

The Music industry has seen many changes over the years, but there is one thing that will always remain the same-‘the demand for good songs and music’. So, if you have a desire to make it big in the industry and get a great publishing deal for songwriters then all you need to do is work hard, enjoy your work and contact The Serious Writers Guild for free songwriting tips and getting publishing deal etc.

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Joined: January 15th, 2015
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