Why to choose courier services over traditional shipping method?

Posted by vidhudave0 on April 2nd, 2015

There are several options available to transport goods and materials from one location to another. If you  are associated with any  import and export business, you should understand the importance of courier services.  The professional  courier service  is the best way to  get fast and reliable  shipping services. The professional courier services have a bevy of advantages over other traditional methods of shipments.

The three major benefits of  professional courier services include:


The delivery time of consignments is relatively more in traditional shipment methods as compared with courier services.  The courier companies have a good professional network with other shipping companies. This enables them to help client in making the delivery of the consignment at the assigned destination in a fast, safe and reliable manner. Taking the professional courier service is extremely beneficial when it comes to sending the sample product to the important clients. The professional and reliable courier companies offer different options for expedited shipping such as normal delivery, same day delivery and much more in order to meet the need of the clients.

kerry couriers service

Track and trace

When using traditional shipping services, it can be very difficult to trace where your consignment actually are.  The situation is not the same when taking professional courier services. The professional courier companies utilize the latest technologies, equipment and computer based applications in order to help clients in tracking their consignment easily and quickly. Nowadays, you can get the detail of your product from the comfort of your home through online.


With a reliable and renowned courier company, you can ensure the safety of your product or consignment. The professional companies have a team of in-house professionals who track and trace every consignment in order to lessen the chance of any kind of mistake and to make delivery at the assigned destination in a safe manner. 


The cost of courier services is relatively lower than other traditional shipping methods.  Most of the traditional shipping companies charge additional fees for the shipment of frozen and sensitive items. However, when taking courier services, you can avoid the mounting fees and package regulations. Most of the courier companies these days offer flat rate and per mile payment options to keep their price lower than other traditional shipping methods.

(Kerry courier service)เคอร์รี่ด่วน is one of the best options to make delivery of the consignment at the assigned destination in a timely, professional, safe and affordable manner.

About the Author

Kerry Express is Thailand’s best domestic parcel delivery platform. In 2013, Kerry Express first stepped into the sector of individual-to-individual (C2C) parcel services.

Article Source: http://glipho.com/vidhudave0/why-to-choose-courier-services-over-traditional-shipping-method

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