Web Design

Posted by Babu Raj bssqatar on May 20th, 2015

A lot of web designers think that designing a particular website is all about art. Although we at Blue Synergy Solutions agree that aesthetics do play a role in making an effective web design, we also think that using some science, like engineering, can make a world of difference. 

Twitter, for example, has a design that is based on the Golden Rule. A scientific rule that states that proportion, mathematically depicted by the number 1.618, is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Going that extra mile can make sure that a website is designed perfectly for the needs of a business. And that’s how Blue Synergy Solutions approaches web designs.


We know how potential clients think

People who browse websites are no different from customers that go to the store and check out the merchandise. Potential customers browse a page, quickly read the text and click at any lick that resembles what they are searching for. For other visitors, they click at anything that catches their fancy, scan then and hit the back button so the whole process is started again. Knowing the habits of visitors is an advantage of Blue Synergy Solutions. 

We know that they can be quite a discerning group. Potential clients, especially the ones who need products and services the most, can be impatient. It’s simple really. Clients want a website to instantly meet their needs and expectations. So we design websites that instantly meet their demands—a site that is quickly usable and efficiently. In general, a website that is intuitive.

We also understand that most potential clients, who are generally on the go, just scan websites. Reading enough material just to get to the gist of what they need. Hence, we make sure that only relevant information is placed on the site and no unnecessary text is included.


Subtle Selling

Websites should not only provide for the immediate needs of the clients, but what they may need in the future. There is a catch to this, however, as selling directly or too aggressively can put off a lot of potential clients. So Blue Synergy Solutions does it with subtlety. Graphics are more appealing in a web design than text, but too much visual eye candy ruin a design. However, our team can strike a balance and make sure that a company gets its message across without going overboard.  


Effective writing

While on the topic of writing, Blue Synergy Solutions is aware that content writing is not just the issue when it comes to web design. Even the seemingly simplest words can be crucial in a website. Passive and unclear language can hinder clients from making purchases or availing services. Concise, short but direct to the point phrases can be more effective than beating around the bush. A bulleted list is more visually appealing, and less intimidating, than a block of text. 

Finally, Blue Synergy Solutions is not afraid to use the white space if necessary. Web designers often fear using white space and fill up the website with graphic and text. However, this could result to a visitor’s cognitive overload. Effective use of white space can help a potential client digest what the website has to offer without being bombarded by the unnecessary clutter. 


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Babu Raj bssqatar

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Babu Raj bssqatar
Joined: May 20th, 2015
Articles Posted: 8

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