Top Questions To Consider Before Choosing An Endodontist

Posted by ridgetopdental on June 9th, 2015

Root Canal Treatment is an important dental procedure that is necessary to save your natural tooth. By choosing an expert endodontist like Ridgetop Dental International’s endodontists in Bangalore, you can save your tooth from extraction and enjoy your natural smile for years to come. If you are looking for a good endodontist in your area, here are some top questions to consider before consulting one.

General dentist or an expert?

Though a general dentist can also perform root canal procedure; it’s always better to choose an expert endodontist because he has experience and training in treating even the most complicated root canal infections. They make use of their special training and expertise in treating difficult cases, which are beyond the comfort zone of a general dentist. 

Why do you need root canal treatment?

When a tooth decays, bacteria can make way into the pulp tissue, causing infection. If the infected tissue is not treated on time, excruciating pain and swelling may result. If the case becomes complicated, the infected tooth may have to be extracted. An expert endodontist will remove the infected tissue using root canal treatment, saving your tooth from extraction.

Have you done enough research before hiring an endodontist?

If you are looking for an endodontist to perform root canal treatment in Bangalore, there are some important things you must enquire about, like-what is the qualification of the prospective dentist? How long the endodontist has been in practice? What’s his experience in performing complicated root canal procedures?

Is your endodontist aware of advancements in endodontic procedures?

Recently, there have been many latest developments in the field of endodontic procedures; from materials used for post and cores, to the equipments used in cleaning of root canals-several advancements have been made. So, it is important for a good endodontist to stay abreast with the latest advancements and make use of these advanced technology to give you the best root canal treatment in the most painless manner.

What procedures does the endodontist adopt to make root canal treatments less painful?

Root Canal treatments are often fraught with fear due the pain associated with this procedure. It’s the main reason why many people refrain from consulting an endodontist. A good dentist will always make use of best sedation techniques like-nitrous oxide, conscious sedation etc, to make the treatment as stress free as possible.

Does your dentist treat you with courtesy and respect?

Already, root canal treatment is a matter of great stress for some people, so it is very important for the endodontist you choose to be calm and courteous. He should be ready to clear all your doubts regarding the procedure and should have pleasing chair side manners.

There is nothing as important as finding a good endodontist, who is professional in all ways and tries his best to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for his patient. Ridgetop Dental International Pvt Ltd has the best team of dental experts that include endodontists, orthodontists, dental surgeons and cosmetic dentists in Bangalore, who will carefully evaluate your case and perform dental procedures in a manner to always guarantee safety of your health.

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