How Safe Is It To Smoke Out Of A Silicone Bong Or Pipe?

Posted by jessicawilson on April 15th, 2021

Until recently, bongs and smoking pipes were mostly made from glass or ceramic. This is because it doesn’t contaminate the product. However, common pain points with these materials, such as difficulty cleaning, or frailty have led to the rise in popularity of silicone bongs and pipes. With silicone, you don’t have to worry about your bong breaking if it falls or cracking from temperature changes. Naturally, you are curious about these silicone products, but you want to make sure it’s safe to smoke from. Here’s everything you need to know.

Is silicone safe to smoke out of?

The short answer is yes. Silicone has a high heat resistance and can handle temperatures as high as 600 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s twice the boiling point of water. What’s great is unlike plastics, they will not degrade or leak toxic materials up to this point. Silicone has been utilized for many years to make human-safe items because food-grade silicone is inert, non-toxic, virtually indestructible, and can be molded into any shape.

Several factors contribute to how safe silicone dab rigs, pipes, or bongs are, such as the quality of the silicone used, the temperatures they are rated for, and where the product is made. Due to the popularity of silicone products, a lot of companies are peddling low-grade pieces at lower prices. Just remember that you will get what you paid for.

What properties make silicone safe?

• Low thermal conductivity - silicone is not a heat conductor meaning it will not transfer heat, so there’s little risk it will burn you or melt.

• It is thermally stable - this means it maintains its properties over a wide range of temperatures that’s why dabbers prefer silicone for storage and use with waxes and concentrate.

• Low toxicity and reactivity - silicone is inert and won’t react with most chemicals.

• Its water repellent - unlike glass, ceramics, and metals, silicone is watertight because it doesn’t have microfractures making it prone to leakages.

• It doesn’t support microbial growth - since it is water repellent, it deters the growth of harmful microbial growth.

• It doesn’t stick to some substances but adheres well to others - silicone has a good grip on some materials such as glass or metals, making it perfect for removable products. However, it doesn’t stick to ashes, waxes, or concentrates, meaning you can easily clean your piece since no material will be stuck inside.

Despite having such wonderful qualities, silicone is not completely indestructible. While it can withstand extreme heat, you shouldn’t put it over a direct flame, as this will definitely damage your piece. Always lust the bowl you are smoking out off, and if you are dabbing, consider using a glass drop down and move the nail as far as you can from the silicone ring to keep it safe.

Food-grade silicone has been used for years in the food industry to make everything from cookware to containers. Now, this versatile material has moved to the cannabis scene, and consumers are all for it. Now that you know what makes silicone so safe, why not get yourself a silicone piece.

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