The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on baby's pillow

Posted by Kinnaird on April 25th, 2021

Life jackets are a prime example of important water safety equipment that tends to be neglected. Always check and maintain your life vests, flotation cushions and other emergency equipment when you return to the dock and you will always be properly equipped and ready for your next sail.

Like most of your boating equipment, it only takes a few moments to check your flotation gear and store it away properly. Make it a point to follow these simple maintenance and storage tips and your life jackets will be safe and ready to use for many, many years.

1. Never keep a life vest that is not in good condition. After each use quickly inspect for rips, tears, mold, mildew and worn areas. Discard any flotation equipment that appearsw to be in poor condition. What may appear to be just a slight tear or worn area can separate when under stress, putting the user's life in jeopardy. Cut up any life preserver or vest that you are discarding so that no one will be tempted to use an unsafe item.

2. Always give every life jacket and flotation cushion a good rinse at the end of the day. The salt in sea spray, and even in perspiration, will attract moisture. This moisture in turn attracts mildew and rot. Removing salt will help keep this important equipment dry in storage. Rinse all your flotation gear well when you are done using it for the day.

3. If a life vest or a float cushion is soiled and needs more than a quick rinse, use a mild detergent to wash it down, and then rinse thoroughly. Never use strong cleaning products and never dry clean a life jacket. These chemicals can weaken the fabric and reduce buoyancy.

4. Allow your gear to air dry naturally before you store it away. Avoid trying to speed the process up by using a radiator, pillow baby stove, hair dryer, or other source of direct heat. Excessive heat can weaken or destroy the outer fabric and break down the inner flotation material.

5. Always store your clean, dry life jackets in a well-ventilated area that stays dry. At the end of the season, bring all life vests and other flotation gear ashore for winter storage.

6. Never use a life jacket as a boat bumper, seat cushion or a pillow, and do not store heavy items on top of your life preservers. Unrelieved pressure can compress the air pockets in the flotation material, dramatically reducing its effectiveness.

7. Immediately replace any child's life vest that has grown too small, even mid-season. A too-small flotation device will not properly support excess weight in the water. A life vest that is not worn because it has become uncomfortable, or that doesn't float high enough in the water, is a life vest that can't properly do it's life-saving job.

These seven simple maintenance steps will keep your life jackets and other flotation gear in good condition for many years of service and peace of mind on and in the water.

A pregnant woman might enjoy a nice, special maternity outfit. Maternity clothes can be expensive, and many women don't want to waste money on something they will wear for a short time. They might enjoy something nice to wear. There are several things that you will want to take into consideration when planning such a gift. First, this is obviously best for someone in the beginning of her pregnancy. Someone with a month left has little need for new clothes that will only fit for weeks. Next, you will want to make sure you know the person's size (usually they stay the same size in pregnancy clothes as they do in regular clothes, i.e. if they were a small before, they are likely to still be a small). You also want to make sure you know what they like to wear. You can get maternity clothes at specialty stores such as Motherhood and at many department and discount stores such as Sears and Target. Also many pregnant women go on to breastfeed, so if your recipient is planning on nursing then a nice nursing outfit might make a nice gift.

A pregnant woman might also enjoy a nice body pillow. It can be difficult to get comfortable at night when you are pregnant and getting larger. They make pillows that are made to make the woman more comfortable and to help her stay in a healthier position at night. You will just want to make sure that she does not already have such a gift.

Many pregnant women like to start collecting things for the baby. Before deciding to buy such a gift, you will need to consider a few things. First, some women prefer not to receive any items for the baby until after the birth. That is definitely something you would want to respect. You can see if your recipient has a baby registry because that is a great way to purchase something that you know will get use. Of course there a wide variety of baby items, from bedroom furniture to strollers to clothes to toys. You will have a wide variety of items from which to choose for any budget if you decide to go this route.

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Joined: February 4th, 2021
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