Importance Of Vitamins For Healthy Hair Growth

Posted by articlelink01 on September 1st, 2015

The pride of a woman can only be manifest if they have strong, long and healthy hair. Elements of weak hair like losing hair on your hairlines are not anything that any woman would love. The same applies for short, dry and thin hair. Such concerns have caused many women to resort to plastic hair and excessive use of chemicals in a bid to improve their current appearance. Unfortunately, this move has not always been successful since use of harsh chemicals has lasting negative effects. How then can you ensure you maintain healthy hair naturally?

The basic nutrients for healthy hair

In order to have lustrous, healthy and attractive hair, you need to check on your diet. Vitamins are extremely essentials in the growth of natural hair. You need vitamins C, B7, B3 and H among others. Even so, to ensure that your hair has all nutrients, you will need to take a balanced diet with plenty of iron and vitamins. It will be impossible to have thick and fastest growing hair when your intake of vitamins is low.

Men also need to have hair especially in their young years. You do not want to be bald-headed before your time. Therefore, begin to take more proteins from fish, Zinc and Vitamin C.

How Vitamins work

Biotin and Vitamin C/ascorbic acid are the most essential vitamins for hair growth. Biotin is also known as vitamin B7 or Vitamin H. Although it is produced in your intestines, it is also found in dark green vegetables, yolks and nuts. It enhances hair growth by renewing your hair follicles. You can also make use of its supplements in order to have longer and fuller hair.

Vitamin C on the other hand works on hair differently. They are water soluble antioxidants that aid in the production of collagen. The product appears as fibers and they constitute a third of your body including your hair and skin. As antioxidants, they help to prevent the effects of free radicals on your body. When not controlled, these radicals can damage your hair by making it to be weak, dry and brittle. Splitting hair is a major effect of lacking vitamin C.

The results of vitamins on hair growth can be manifest in approximately two to three months. This is because the improvements begin from inside your body before they are manifest outwardly.

Vitamin supplements and their effect on hair

When you do not have sufficient supply of natural vitamins, you will appreciate the use of vitamin supplements. These supplements are provided for in form of pills, syrups and lotions. They are medically proven to be effective in solving hair problems. If you are suffering from unhealthy hair due to hormonal variation, over-styling or stress, you can use vitamin supplements and make necessary changes.

Although vitamins are extremely essentials for hair growth, they could have other serious repercussions. For example, if the supplements contain elements that you are allergic to, you will simply react to the allergens as you have always done. Hence, you should avoid such effects by checking the ingredients on supplements before you use them.

Vitamins are extremely essentials for hair growth. Vitamins B7 and C are the most essential vitamins for hair growth. They work by renewing your hair follicles and controlling radicals that could otherwise damage your hair respectively. You can use vitamin supplements only when you are not allergic to their ingredients and wait for positive results in three months.

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