How To Engage Non-Destructive Testing Training And Certification Services, Expla

Posted by Elite Internet Technologies on September 1st, 2015

Non-destructive testing is a very broad suite of techniques employed to test products and materials without physical destruction. This is core best practice quality control, delivering a wealth of information useful for designers, manufacturers, and product safety purposes.

Non-destructive testing methodologies include leak testing, magnetic-particle, magnetic flux leakage, ultrasonic, liquid penetrate, radiographic, visual and optical inspection and more exotic methods like eddy current testing. These testing methods are standard best practice in the aerospace, construction, automotive manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries.

There’s another dimension to these processes. Many companies, notably the more technically advanced companies which design and manufacture their own products, do their own testing in-house. They also typically undertake to conduct training of their employees in formal non-destructive testing methodologies and practices.

It should be understood that training in non-destructive testing disciplines also relates to a very demanding range of practices:

•    Non-destructive testing is carried out to rigorous standards, requiring formal documentation. These processes are essentially an “audit” of tests, used to verify test results. Documentation standards are quite high, because the documentation is used to critique product specifications and a broad range of issues related to test findings.

•    To carry out these tests, trainees must achieve certified standards of skills.

•    Formal certification is provided by training companies to various levels of expertise.

•    Certification is given in relation to specific types of non-destructive testing, like radiography, visual testing, ultrasonic and other classes of testing.

Obviously, non-destructive testing training is carried out by people who are themselves experts. In many cases, trainers are also engaged in commercial testing operations.

A good example of a training company which provides both training services and carries out non-destructive testing is a company called Larson NDE Level III Services and Training LLC of Virginia. This very well-known company provides both non-destructive testing services and non-destructive training services across a broad spectrum of types of non-destructive testing. They also provide consultation services and assistance with management of formal testing date and documentation.

For more information, please see their website here at You can contact them directly online or by phone to discuss your specific needs.

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 Elite Internet Technologies

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Elite Internet Technologies
Joined: September 1st, 2015
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