Rehabilitate Furniture with Grey Colour Upholstery Fabric

Posted by michal1disuja on September 3rd, 2015

Some issues like color, texture, durability and patterns are so influencing that they make confuse while making the selection of upholstery fabric. But the main purpose of upholstery fabric is rehabilitating the furniture with right fabric for using it in future. After discussing the color schemes with different designers and interior decorators it was common answer with logical reasoning that grey colour upholstery fabric is suitable in all conditions. Now we will discuss them one by one in detail.

First of all grey color fabric is considered equally suitable for formal use and at home because it is one of those shades which makes right theme with every color scheme of the room. This color is used because it gets dust and stains not as easily as light colors do. Grey color upholstery fabric provides outstanding look with other furniture articles and room walls. Another thing for the selection of this color is availability of great range of color shades and patterns. From simple plain grey to complex textures are available in this color. Similarly grey fabric is made from light, medium and heavy yarns.

Whatever shade of grey colour upholstery fabric is selected but some other aspects need attention also like content, weight and weaving quality. When light weight upholstery fabric is selected then make sure it is tightly woven because light weight fabric is made from cotton, nylon or linen and during washing it shrinks. That is why it is necessary to select the stuff which does not fray or if it frays then it returns to its original shape. Pulling the piece of fabric in all direction will give you answer that whether you should buy it or not. Tightly woven fabric does not wear and tear easily or with normal usage as upholstery fabric has to face human activity so wear and tear is highly expected.

Same test can be applied on medium weight and heavyweight fabrics. Because they must also be woven tightly otherwise loose threads will lead to easy wear and tear. Durability of any fabric can be checked with the help of this test because sometime wool is used in order to make insulating fabric but poor weaving will destroy all the efforts of buyer.

Now we will talk about the patterns available in grey colour upholstery fabric. Some patterns are made by using the other color yarn in weaving to create self-texture fabric but that yarn destroys the original grey shade. When white color yarn is used in grey fabric, it not only makes the grey shade light but also expose the fabric to the dust and stains. Black yarn makes great combination with grey color and it darkens the original grey color of the fabric. Silk or nylon combination makes shiny fabric and it looks outstanding for the purpose of upholstery but some solvent are not safe for the cleaning of upholstery fabric possessing nylon. While selecting such solvents make sure that you know about your fabric kind and selected solvent is safe for usage.

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