School Strategies for Preventing Cyberbullying

Posted by urberkit01 on September 28th, 2015

With regard to Cyberbullying Prevention, it is first important to formally assess the extent and scope of the problem within your school district. Once you have a baseline, specific strategies can be implemented to educate students and staff about online safety and Internet use in creative and powerful ways. This can be done through specially-created curriculums, or through more general information sessions such as assemblies and in-class discussions. In addition, it is highly important to specify clear rules regarding the use of the Internet, computers, and other electronic devices. Acceptable Use Policies tend to be commonplace in school districts, but these must be enhanced to cover online harassment. Some districts are also creating comprehensive formal contracts specific to cyberbullying, or introducing clauses within the formal "honor code" to reduce cyberbullying among peers. Posting reminders and signage in school computer labs, hallways, and classrooms to pique consciences is also beneficial.

Similarly, most (if not all) school districts have implemented blocking/filtering software on their computer network to prevent access to certain Web sites. While these measures have their merits, a tech-savvy student can often find ways around these programs. We believe that education and awareness efforts more proactively address the fundamental causes of cyberbullying and other inappropriate online behaviors. For example, the utility of peer mentoring - where older students informally teach lessons and share learning experiences with younger students - has been demonstrated when dealing with traditional bullying. We believe it is also of use when attempting to reduce cyberbullying among students. Proper guidance and counseling through Cyberbullying expert will help students to overcome.

Finally, it is essential to cultivate a positive school climate, as research has shown a link between a perceived "negative" environment on campus and an increased likelihood of cyberbullying offending and victimization among students. In general, it is crucial to establish and maintain a school climate of respect and integrity where violations result in informal or formal sanction.

School Strategies for Responding to Cyberbullying by taking help through Bullying expert -

You inevitably may find yourself facing a cyberbullying incident affecting your school. Hopefully you have laid the necessary groundwork for an effective response by educating your community about the relevant issues. Students should already know that cyberbullying is inappropriate and that the behavior will result in discipline. It is important for you to be thorough in your investigation of the incident so that you can direct resources and, if necessary, discipline to those who require it. You may want to enlist the support of a school liaison officer or another member of law enforcement to help investigate allegations of cyberbullying.

Once you identify the offending party, develop a response that is commensurate with the harm done and the disruption that occurred. We encourage school administrators to work with parents to convey to the student that cyberbullying behaviors are taken seriously and will not be tolerated. Moreover, we recommend that schools come up with creative response strategies, take sessions of students and make them consil with bullying speaker particularly for relatively minor forms of cyberbullying that do not result in significant harm. For example, students may be required to create anti-cyberbullying posters to be displayed throughout the school. Older students might be required to give a brief presentation to younger students about the importance of responsibly using technology. The point here, again, is to condemn the behavior while sending a message to the rest of the school community that bullying in any form is wrong.

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