The easy way to get the very latest plumbing fittings in California

Posted by Universal on January 18th, 2016

If you’re renovating or upgrading your home, when it comes to plumbing supplies, you may find yourself with far too many choices and using up far too much time looking around. You may also find yourself a bit confused about prices, product quality, and other issues. Let’s face it; most people are not plumbing experts. The tendency is to buy whatever is available and get on with your life.

That’s understandable; but there is a better way to do things and actually save money on your water bill while you’re at it. In water-conscious California, the type fittings you use can be an asset or a liability.

To start with:

•    Most American homes have a true menagerie of old plumbing which is potentially expensive and long overdue for replacement.
•    Old-style plumbing fittings are now well and truly out of date. They are basically fossils, and far less efficient than the new tech coming on the market.
•    Some older types of tap, for example, are very water-inefficient. That also applies to water heaters, pipes, and other fittings. Tankless water heaters are more efficient than old-style water heaters. Modern kitchen faucets can also provide chilled water, as well as working as ordinary kitchen faucets.

If you’re somehow getting the impression that new plumbing might be a good idea, you’re quite right. New plumbing technology isn’t about cosmetic effects, despite the many lifestyle magazines and other sales pitches.

The bottom line with new plumbing technology is about water efficiency, making better use of water, and even better hygiene. (Some of those old pipes, fittings, and taps have had plenty of time to build up deposits of nasty materials, so the hygiene angle is definitely not a trivial issue.) Best practice for homeowners is to simply upgrade.

The good news the California residents is that you have a local company which can deliver the very latest practically next door. It’s a company called Pyramid Pipe and Supply Company, a major online retailer. They have over 160 top brands, and they are a great place to go shopping for plumbing in terms of seeing the new tech and checking out prices.

You can visit their website here This is a huge site, so take a little time to check out what they have, and bring your wish list with you. We think you’ll like what you see.

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Joined: January 18th, 2016
Articles Posted: 32

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