Read Bible Verses Online To Direct Your Life towards Good Things

Posted by John Smith on January 23rd, 2016

Many unfortunate events are taking place in the world, which is not good for humanity. Man needs to move towards good things to prevent himself from hurting others. Today’s world requires good individuals, who can promote peace, reduce violence and walk on the ways of God. Childlike faith is aiding individuals in knowing what is good for them and how they can participate in making the world a better place to live.

Everything people do in their life; it has its influence on the society. People work a lot to get enough money so that they can fulfill their demand and maintain peace in their life. Only money is not the ultimate solution for all problems. There are many things which money cannot provide and that are why people move towards spiritual things. There are many bible verses about faith that people should read daily to know what God suggest them to do. People can achieve everything if they have faith in God. It is something that directs people towards doing well and prevents them from doing something wrong for an individual or the society.

There are many people around the world, who don’t get enough time to read bible verses. They don’t get time because are too busy in their jobs, business and studies. If someone completely stops reading excellent quotes of God, he may become a dishonest person and his view towards society may get changed. Do not let be because it is not good for the world. There are some services which offer Bible verse of the day, which they can get within a few seconds if they check online.  There are many sites, which provide such facilities and nowadays people can quickly access those sites by using their smartphones and tablets that they always carry with them. To live is Christ, and to die is gain, according to Paul in the book of Philippians.

There is no need to mention that people across the world read scriptures on faith and seek to have childlike faith as they struggle with worry, illness, sadness, and pain. Whether a person is from Christian community or not, he can read the beautiful verses of the Bible to walk on the right path. It is all about finding identity in the Lord and making sure that you do not try to seek fulfillment from other sources.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39).

About author:

Curious why I started this site?  As we get older, it’s so easy to get cynical, disillusioned, and lose the awe and wonder we used to have. But it’s worth fighting to reclaim it and hold onto it.  And if you do, it will revolutionize your walk with God, and consequently change your life for the better. The author is a blogger passionate about finding and keeping childlike faith, and seeing the world with awe and wonder.  He provides readers information on topics related to lifestyle, technology and spirituality.

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John Smith

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John Smith
Joined: June 21st, 2014
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