5 Benefits Offered by Camera Straps

Posted by Tasha Moreno on February 2nd, 2016

There might be various photography tutorials that lay their focus mainly on lighting, cameras and lenses but there is 1 gear which people often neglect and somehow is not found on photography forums. These are known as camera straps. Even bags and filters enjoy a good demand but there is hardly any person who focuses on what would really hold the camera when hands aren’t free.

Given below are top 5 reasons why one must buy camera straps

  • Helps in staying hands free

Many a times, one can purchase camera straps online. Photographers mainly rely on this accessory for holding the camera securely when they wish to keep the hands free. They are a substitute for hands and help in performing other tasks as well when there is absence of surface for resting the camera. For example, when a campaign is being short in muddy areas, no one would want the camera to struggle with scratches and dust on dirty terrains. This is where a dramatic entry is made by these accessories.

  • Safety

Many a times, cameras tend to slip off the hands of the photographers. These camera straps ensure that the equipment never falls of the ground or crashes. After so much money is spent on the precious camera, no one would mind spending few bucks extra for ensuring the safety.

  • Ergonomics

A top reason as to why professionals don’t remain without the straps is because the heavy weight of high end cameras is distributed all over the back, chest or shoulders. Hand and neck pains are eliminated and they allow in working pain-free. One can avail handmade camera straps as well. You can hang these by the neck and they are considered to be effective when it comes to distributing the weight. It is ideal for owners who wish to take them out for shoots. On the other hand, there are some special straps that are designed specially for suiting ergonomic needs of photographers.

  • Recognition

Imagine, you are shooting a professional wedding and have a simple DSLR in the hand. People wouldn’t recognize that you are a professional. They would become hurdles in your way when you struggle for those perfect shots. This might sound very familiar right? Thus, these camera straps are considered to be good in making the crowd recognizing your role and be clear. It is sort of an ID card that gives you recognition of a professional.

  • Stabilizer

Often, camera straps can be used in stabilizers in a variety of ways. When it is wrapped around the wrist or is pulled tightly over the triceps, they can be used as an effective tool for stabilizing the camera.

So, whether it is dangling precariously from the shoulders or is yoked around the neck, often, these straps play a role of seatbelt in the car. It is the thing which prevents crashes.

 visit more information - Handmade camera straps

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Tasha Moreno

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Tasha Moreno
Joined: December 16th, 2015
Articles Posted: 5

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