Laser Hair Removal: What To Expect?

Posted by Sanjay Parashar on October 10th, 2021

Laser hair removal has become increasingly more common in recent years with both men and women choosing to undergo this procedure. Although laser hair removal in Dubai can provide instant results, many may wonder if these results are permanent or safe. This article will go into detail about the principle behind laser hair removal and its short as well as long term effects.

The working principle of laser hair removal 

The process of laser hair removal involves the use of light to target and subsequently destroy each strand of hair. The apparatus or lasers shoot streams of light that target the pigment and integrate the hair follicle during the treatment process because of the laser’s light’s heat. By doing so, hair will no longer be able to grow from that same follicle. 

The duration of the treatment can range anywhere from 2 to 3 months depending on how effective each session of laser hair removal is. In addition to this, one can also choose to undergo the procedure for different parts of their body. 

Risks that accompany laser hair removal 

A major issue that most people have with laser hair removal is that it can involve a significant amount of pain. Although this is partially true, doctors are now using cooling gels or topical creams applied to the skin just 30 minutes before the procedure to decrease the pain that one might experience during the procedure. 

However, other minimally concerning side effects or risks of laser hair removal include the skin changing colour or the skin becoming red. In certain scenarios, this treatment may result in the skin developing blisters. However, in all the above cases, the side effects are temporary and minimal. 

Preparing for laser hair removal 

It is first important that the professional carrying out the procedure is medically trained. Therefore, opt to go to a doctor that has a background in dermatology or cosmetic surgery. 

After doing so, the doctor should conduct a consultation session where one would determine if laser hair removal is the best option and receive a brief rundown of possible side effects and more. In addition to this, it is at this juncture that one has to disclose if they suffer from previous kin disorders or scarring. 

Doctors may also state that one has to follow certain instructions during the treatment process to receive the best results. These instructions include: 

  • Limiting direct exposure to the sun especially during the peak hours of the day

  • Refrain from removing hair using other methods like waxing or even plucking as it can disturb the hair follicle. 

  • Avoid medications that may have blood-thinning effects. 

Just before the actual treatment, doctors may recommend shaving the area that will be under the laser. This is because it can reduce the chances of one’s skin sustaining damage during the treatment. 

The very fact that the hair follicle is permanently destroyed means that the hair is less likely to grow from that follicle. However, there are cases where the entire follicle is not destroyed but rather damaged. If so, it will regrow in certain regions. However, with multiple sessions of laser hair removal in Dubai, the effects will be permanent.

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Sanjay Parashar

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Sanjay Parashar
Joined: January 11th, 2021
Articles Posted: 16

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