Health Benefits Red Fruits and Vegetables

Posted by TURNER New Zealand on December 3rd, 2021

There are a lot of fruits and vegetables out there that we should be eating.  Some of us are eating many of them in more-or-less the correct quantities for our health.  But some are not.  One of the most neglected areas for fruits and vegetables is the reds.  Curious about just what you can add to your diet or why they’re essential in the first place outside of all of the hype in the online community?  Read on!

What are some examples of red veggies and fruits?

Let’s start with the basics: what are examples of red fruits and vegetables that you can find “just about anywhere” to add to your diet?  Can you get them anywhere, or do you need to immediately find the best super reds supplement instead?  Let’s start with the basics.  Here are some typical grocery store options to show you the way:

  • Beetroot
  • Red/orange/yellow peppers
  • Purple carrot
  • Pumpkin
  • Boysenberries

Notice anything “strange” about this list of options?  That’s right, not all of them are red.  But, these contain polyphenols (the active ingredient responsible for red pigment), which is are the active compounds that make “reds” so essential to add to your diet.

They can help manage inflammation in the body and also will help support your cardiovascular health.  For this reason, they will help maintain your body’s main functions and can be seen as anti-aging since struggling with inflammation and cardio problems are so often common issues as we age. 

You can also consider a supplement if you are someone who struggles to either get access to high-quality fruits and vegetables or doesn’t have a taste for them.  The health benefits will be the same either way. It’s just about finding the right medium for you!

What are the health benefits of eating red fruits and vegetables?

In other words, why care about red fruits and vegetables right?  It’s okay; we get it.  You don’t have time to just add anything in without understanding just how it will be a good thing for your diet.  Here are some of the top benefits you can enjoy if you prioritize red fruits and vegetables in your daily diet!

  • Better digestion: Think of red fruits and vegetables as active ingredients that will help distinguish the good bacteria from the bad in your gut.  They will help you destroy harmful bacteria and promote good bacteria.  In turn, this will help boost your digestion levels.  It can ease discomfort often associated with poor digestion, including cramping and sluggishness after meals.
  • Improved memory: Whether you are older or you are just feeling your age a bit, polyphenols will support your memory and help you feel like your brain can keep up with things again.  Many find it supportive for common problems like recall and short-term memory.  It can help with focus, too.
  • Enhanced immunity: These days, COVID-19 has usually learned about immunity and doing what we can to boost it preventatively.  Red fruits and vegetables are going to help you with that.  Studies show that polyphenols can provide support through immunity to foreign pathogens that enter the body [1].  When used regularly, they can support a healthy immune response to give you your best foot forward.


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TURNER New Zealand

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TURNER New Zealand
Joined: January 1st, 2021
Articles Posted: 12

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