All You Need To Know About Dementia

Posted by shivam pandey on January 24th, 2022

Dementia is a general diagnostic term used to describe loss of memory, language, problem-solving capabilities, and other thinking capabilities that cause serious interference in the daily lives of the people suffering from dementia. 

What is Dementia?

Dementia is not a term used to refer to just one disease. It’s a broad term used to cover a wide range of medical conditions. 

The disorders and diseases that are categorized under Dementia are all disorders caused by abnormal changes in the brain. The abnormal changes in the brain compromise the cognitive abilities of the affected person, and with time, the condition is likely to get as severe as to impair the affected person’s daily life. 

According to most dementia specialist doctors these changes also affect the general behavior, feelings, and relationships of the patients. 

What are the different types of Dementia?

The most common disease that causes dementia is Alzheimer\'s disease which accounts for 60-80% of the Dementia Cases. 

Vascular Dementia is the second most common cause in the list of causes of dementia. Vascular dementia results from microscopic bleeding and blockage in the blood vessels of the brain.

In some cases, the patient experiences brain changes of more than one type of dementia, simultaneously over time, and this type of dementia is known as Mixed Dementia.

There are also several other health conditions that can ultimately result in symptoms of dementia and in some cases such symptoms are reversible too. A few examples of the reversible symptoms would include thyroid related health issues, vitamin deficiencies, and more. 

What are the symptoms of Dementia?

Symptoms of dementia vary a lot yet we could come up with a few examples for sure.

Symptoms of Cognitive Changes-

  • Memory Loss, usually noticed by people around you.

  • Difficulty in communicating or finding words to communicate.

  • Problems in visual and place recognising capabilities.

  • Compromised reasoning and problem-solving capabilities.

  • Difficulty in managing complex tasks.

  • Inability to plan or organize.

  • Problems in motor function.

  • General confusion and disorientation.

Symptoms of Psychological Changes-

  • Changes in personality.

  • Depression & Anxiety.

  • Inappropriate behavior & emotional outbursts.

  • Paranoia.

  • Agitation.

  • Hallucinations. 

The signs of dementia could be as simple as forgetting where you kept your purse or wallet, forgetting to pay bills, facing problems making food, forgetting ingredients, remembering appointments made, losing your way while driving, and more. 

Does Dementia get worse with age?

Yes, it mostly does. Most of the cases of dementia are progressive in nature. The symptoms usually begin to show slowly and gradually, and get worse over time, with age. If you are facing such symptoms or have noticed any one in your circle facing such problems, consulting with a Dementia specialist doctor is more than necessary. Affected people need constant monitoring and immediate help. 

How is Dementia Diagnosed?

There is no specific diagnostic test to diagnose or detect dementia. Dementia specialist doctors diagnose different types of dementia by recording and studying their medical history. There is also physical examination, and laboratory tests to diagnose dementia. Your doctors will also ask questions to understand and track characteristic changes in your thought patterns, your day-to-day function, and overall behavior. 

Diagnosing Dementia is the easy part, which doctors can diagnose Dementia with a high level of certainty. But the real challenge for the doctors is to determine the exact specific type of dementia because the symptoms and brain changes tend to vary and sometimes the symptoms of different types of dementia may overlap one person. 

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of dementia consult with your nearest Dementia specialist doctor.

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shivam pandey

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shivam pandey
Joined: August 22nd, 2020
Articles Posted: 146

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