Blogspot SEO Tricks to Ensure Success

Posted by americancreative on March 5th, 2022

Writing blogs and publishing them in the virtual world has become enormously popular of late. It is not merely a hobby anymore. Instead, it can be monetized provided the viewers remain engrossed and spread it via word of mouth. Almost all businesses, small, middle, and big, feel the need o post blogs on their websites too. Using Blogspot or Blogger for posting the content for free has many takers. It provides one with a platform that can be viewed by the interested public, competitors, and prospective employers alike. It has to capture the attention of people who wish to learn more about a specific topic, however. This can be ensured by utilizing effective tricks and tips explicitly aimed to create the right BlogSpot SEO.

It is important to remember that optimization has to be done according to regulations that have been conveyed by Google and other search engines of importance. The content writer must be aware of on-page SEO tricks and ensure that the content quality is impeccable. Usage of appropriate keywords and the addition of meta value go a long way to determine the ranking returned after a search.

Some of the other things to consider carefully before making it public include:

Formatting of URL Link- Permalink has a positive influence in positioning the website content posted on Blogger. Obtaining a high-quality permalink is possible when the title of the post is limited to 50 characters. It is advisable to exclude the definite and indefinite articles from the title altogether. There is no need to get all hot and bothered, however. The content writer/editor has an opportunity of revising the permalink by removing all stop words. Another great idea is to include the keyword in the title. Sure, one has a choice of generating manual or automatic permalink while writing/editing the content. It helps to opt for the former and revise it as required.

Keyword Density- Well, this is an all-important aspect of SEO. While using a good number of keywords within the content is essential, too many will be counterproductive. One must thus strike the perfect balance. It is okay to use 1% to 2% of the keyword within the content. A BlogSpot post must have relevance to its title with the correct quantity of keywords spread over the body. Stuffing of keywords is a strict no-no, however. One must be cautious about eliminating this prospect. One may analyze the content carefully and place the keyword(s) in the right locations. Using a tool to generate keywords and optimizing the content is acceptable too.

Labels- One must also make sure to add labels to a post. This adds to the density of keywords. The labels should be included in a broad category instead of limiting them into a label window. The related post widgets in Blogger are also affected positively by the positioning of labels.

Search engine optimization is not a challenge; one can do it to get effective results without mastering intricate codes and hi-tech language.

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