Financial control of the couple: tips to organize yourself on a daily basis

Posted by Web Digital Media Group on May 9th, 2022

When you live in a union, maintaining financial control of the couple is a task that can be quite difficult, especially when there are no conversations about it.

 Talking about finances and having financial planning together is an important step in the relationship, as it avoids discomfort and unnecessary fights.

 Thinking about it, we created this article with tips to start financial control of the couple and stay organized on a daily basis.

 Importance of financial control of the couple

 Sharing life as a couple does not mean sharing only the joys and good times. Living together requires a lot of respect, dialogue and planning, especially when it comes to money.

 Therefore, the couple\'s financial control must be done carefully and transparently, avoiding friction with the budget and financial problems that shake the relationship.

 Financial infidelity

 The so-called financial infidelity happens when one – or both – spouses hides financial information from the other, or even, without hiding it, makes purchases that compromise the family budget.

 Sometimes, attitudes of this kind may seem small, insignificant and have a minimal financial impact at first, but over time they compromise the couple\'s trust.

 An example of financial infidelity is making a purchase and telling your spouse that you bought it at a sale, for half price, or that you got it from someone. Or even make some hidden purchase.

 Another example of this type of marital infidelity can be something even more serious, such as long-hidden debt that jeopardizes the family\'s finances and financial future, or keeping savings and bank accounts hidden from their spouses.

 The effects of financial infidelity can generate a lot of stress, fights, disagreements and even cause the end of the relationship. That\'s why we\'ve separated some tips for the couple\'s financial control, so that the subject of finances is not an obstacle in life for two.

 Tips for managing your finances

 1. Talk about money

 This subject should not be taboo between couples. Do not be afraid, as you will only get to know each other financially by talking openly about it.

 2. Couple\'s allowance

 Stipulate an equal amount for both of you to take every month – like an allowance – to spend on whatever you want. Or, if you prefer, pay the house bills together – equal amounts or percentages – and what is left, each one enjoys as they wish.

 3. Have financial control

 Start writing down where and how you spend the money. This way you know where the money is going and avoid a lot of unnecessary fights.

 4. Don\'t forget the unforeseen

 Unforeseen events happen and some can represent large expenses, directly affecting the couple\'s day to day. Therefore, have an emergency reserve and save an amount of three to six times the amount of your monthly expenses for this.

 5. Have a dream reserve

 Save a little each month to make your dreams come true. The value can be defined by the couple, the important thing is not to compromise the budget. This tip is cool even for couples who don\'t live together yet. Set a goal and make a \"box\" of yourself. Don\'t be afraid to plan.

 6. Formalize

 If you already live together and you don\'t have any document that formalizes the union, be careful! It is not necessary to marry, but a stable union contract can be a good alternative, as it ensures that both have legal and patrimonial security. It is important that the couple is formally prepared to avoid embarrassment and embarrassment in unwanted situations, such as death and divorce, for example.

 7. Find the balance

 It\'s hard to find two people who think exactly alike, so you\'ll need to find a balance between how you each handle money. For this it is necessary to know each other, have a lot of partnership and common goals.

 8. Be aware of the standard of living they lead

 It is common for each to have a different standard of living while living apart, from the amount to how each spends money. When the couple decides to live together, the pattern of the two will be the same and you will have to live with that.

 9. Budget for leisure

 Try to discuss and stipulate in advance a maximum amount you can spend on leisure per week or month and do not go beyond that. This amount should not interfere with the reservation for dreams, the safety mattress or your future.

 10. Don\'t forget the future

 If you\'re together it\'s because you intend to keep the union longer. So start planning for the future now. The easiest way to achieve your goals is to add a little bit every month and invest, in the end, you will see how it was worth it.


 Keeping financial control of the couple is not a simple task, as it requires discipline, patience, empathy and planning.

 Many couples don\'t talk about money, which can lead to discomfort or even the end of the relationship.

 Therefore, we cite in this article some tips to help in the financial control of the couple, to facilitate financial organization without fighting.

 By following these tips and creating the habit of talking openly about John Labunski Safe Investment, your relationship with your partner will certainly be much more peaceful and happy.


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Web Digital Media Group
Joined: March 26th, 2020
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