Hire offshore developers from Ukraine

Posted by Anna Culada on June 19th, 2022

Why is it worth to hire remote offshore developers for your startup? The reasons why companies prefer outsourcing software development to in-house development are as follows:

  • It’s a cost-effective product development strategy. According to Quartz, 37% of startups fail because they run out of money. However, this problem is unlikely to arise if you hire offshore developers. You won’t be spending your money on overhead costs such as office rent, payroll, insurance payments, vacations, hiring fees, etc. Instead, you’ll be devoting funds to the most mandatory area - creating MVPs. Moreover, due to the lower cost of living, developer rates in offshore countries tend to be much more reasonable than those of their American and Western European counterparts. Hiring a dedicated development team from Eastern Europe, India or Latin America can be half or even three times cheaper than in the United States.
  • Increased productivity and time savings. An offshore development team can not only reduce costs, but also speed up the development process and therefore save your precious time. As you already know, time is critical for any startup because every startup is born in a competitive environment. In addition, by having a dedicated development team, you won’t waste time training new employees because each outsourced developer already has their own skills. Finally, you won’t waste time on project management routines or HR activities such as employee retention - all of these tasks will be taken care of by the development company. As a result, you’ll focus only on the job and nothing else.
  • More talent than you could find locally. IT outsourcing gives you access to more talent than you could find locally. For example, most developers in California are employers of technology giants. They get huge salaries, enjoy attractive benefits, and feel relatively safe and comfortable with their current employers, whereas startups involve risk, so hiring developers for a startup in the US is much harder. In contrast, offshore Asia and Eastern Europe are full of skilled developers who would love to join your startup.

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Anna Culada

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Anna Culada
Joined: June 19th, 2022
Articles Posted: 6

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