How Do I Start An Essay? Writing a Compelling Essay

Posted by mike cyrus on June 20th, 2022


It also requires that you have a clear understanding of how to start your essay and develop it in such a way that shows your reader why you're writing your essay and what benefits they will receive from reading it.... Writing an effective essay requires more than just a good understanding of the topic.


It also requires that you have a clear understanding of how to structure your argument and develop it in such a way that shows your reader why you're writing your essay and what benefits they will receive from reading it . To help you write the best possible essay, we've put together this guide - from the basic principles all essays should follow to common pitfalls to watch out for. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about starting an essay


What do you want your essay to achieve?


What is your essay trying to achieve? Do you want to convince the reader that they should buy your essay, or do you want to teach them something? Maybe you want to get across a strong message, or you hope to inspire your reader through the essay. 


Whatever your aims are, make sure they are clear from the outset. How you choose to express your message is largely down to your talents, however if you are not careful you can easily fail to express what you want to say. 


One way to ensure that your aims are clear is by selecting a specific audience for your essay.


Consider your audience


As with any essay, it is important to consider the readership for your essay. Choosing a specific audience for your essay allows you to create a more focused and effective essay. 

It is not just about choosing a specific group of people to write for, it is also about choosing a specific group of people that may benefit from the information you are trying to impart. 


If you select a broad audience, you run the risk of writing an essay with no relevance for anyone as no one will be able to use it. When thinking about your audience, 

it is important to consider the following questions: 

  1. Who is your target audience for your essay? 

  2. What do they want from the essay? 

  3. How can you use the essay to help them? 

  4. Who are likely to benefit from your essay?

  5.  What are they likely to gain from reading your essay? 

  6. How can you use your essay to help them? 

  7. Who should be avoided? 

  8. What is the best way to bypass the audience that you do not wish to reach?


Start with a strong thesis statement

Your essay will fall apart if your thesis statement isn't strong enough to hold it all together. The thesis statement is the statement that everyone will agree or disagree with at the start of the reading. 


From here, you'll need to present your own arguments and counter-arguments, backed up by relevant examples and facts. Your thesis statement is the first sentence of your essay, and is the central point of your essay. 


It is the main argument that you will build your essay around. Make it clear and concise so that, even if your reader does not agree with you, they will know where you stand. 


The thesis statement must be written in the first paragraph of your essay. Although you can include it in the introductory sentence, you cannot forget about it. 


If you do forget about it, your reader will also forget about it and move on. The thesis statement is what encapsulates your essay and makes it all make sense.


Keep your body consistent and cohesive

When we read essays, our eyes move across the page from left to right, reading each line and word one by one. When we read, we are not reading in chronological order, so we jump from line to line reading it over and over again. 


Hence, to ensure we are reading in a coherent and meaningful manner, we need to follow a consistent structure. This means that wherever we are in the essay, we must also follow a consistent structure. 


If we move away from this, we're likely to lose this and the essay will begin to go astray. With essays, the more you follow this structure, the more effective your essay will be. 


The structure of an essay consists of the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. There is no need to follow this strictly, but you should try to follow it.


Conclusion: Summing up


An essay is a form of prose used to present information and/or arguments in a concise but expanded manner. There are many different types of essays, and the content usually changes depending on the instructor's instructions. 


Essays can take many different forms, and they can be written in a number of different styles. Whatever the type of essay you are writing, it is important that you follow the basic principles of essay structure. 


This will help you to make sure that your essay is as effective as possible, and that it communicates the message that you want it to.


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mike cyrus

About the Author

mike cyrus
Joined: June 20th, 2022
Articles Posted: 1