Health Benefits of Playing Table Tennis

Posted by priya singh on June 21st, 2022

We all have to plan to have a fun with friends and family, so why not by playing a table tennis. It’s also good for our health. Table tennis is good for our health, its need a mind and body stimulation, aerobic exercise, and social interaction. Table tennis has no risk for injury with the quite great game.

Here we mentioned some important health benefits of table tennis:

Coordinating your hands and eyes. Mental alertness, concentration, and acuity are developed during an intense game of table tennis.

Reflex improvement. Sport such as this improves both gross muscle movements and fine muscle movements due to its fast pace and short length.

Sports like this are also easy on joints. Those who had knee surgery, suffered from back issues, or dislike twisting their ankles playing other sports may find table tennis to be ideal.

Exercise burns calories. No time for the gym? Try playing table tennis instead. Playing this sport is simple, fun and will burn calories.

Sport is a social activity. Maintaining mental health requires social interaction. Increasingly, people are feeling disconnected from one another in a world so connected by technology. It allows you to unplug and play and connect with the person lying on the other side of the table tennis.

Keeping your mind sharp is a benefit. Table tennis is highly aerobic, uses the upper and lower body simultaneously, and demands good eye hand coordination and reflexes, according to renowned physician, psychiatrist, and brain imaging expert Dr Daniel Amen. As you track the ball, plan shots and strategies, and figure out spins, you are also using many different areas of the brain at once.

Alzheimer's patients can benefit from table tennis. Several years ago, the Sport and Art Educational Foundation began a table tennis therapy program for seniors suffering from Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. With table tennis, players can stimulate different parts of the brain at the same time, which helps to improve their overall awareness.

Having a healthy balance is important. In order to play good table tennis, you must stay balanced and be able to change directions quickly. Your sense of balance will improve the more you play.

The game of table tennis allows you to develop strength, speed, and agility without putting yourself at risk of serious injury. Table tennis provides all the health benefits of an Olympic sport without the risk of injury, but millions of Americans are injured because of sports every year. Is table tennis your favorite sport? Now is the perfect time to UnPlug and Play!

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priya singh

About the Author

priya singh
Joined: June 21st, 2022
Articles Posted: 1