What Is A Brain Injury And How Can I Avoid It?

Posted by Jericho MIles on June 21st, 2022

The seat of our consciousness is our brains. A head injury can have catastrophic implications and complicate everyday life. Any sort of trauma to the brain is considered a brain injury. The brain is a spongy, squishy tissue that floats in layers of fluids called meninges. The meninges are surrounded by the hard cavity of the skull, which protects the fragile brain tissue mechanically and structurally.

It is capable of sustaining a variety of injuries. Traumatic or non-traumatic injuries might be acquired or congenital, localized or diffuse, primary or secondary.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a type of traumatic brain injury

External forces disturb or destroy brain functions and structures, resulting in traumatic brain injuries. Closed (non-penetrating) or open (penetrating) injuries are both possible. Road traffic accidents, head assaults, and falls are the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries.

The following are examples of traumatic brain injuries:

  • Concussions are the most prevalent type of head injury. A blow to the head, a fall, a gunshot wound, violent shaking of the head, or whiplash can all cause it. The rapid change in momentum or rotation of the head during a concussion damages the cerebral blood vessels.
  • A contusion is a bruise that develops after a blow to the head.
  • Coup-contrecoup Injuries: This is a type of injury in which the force is so great that it produces damage both at the impact site and on the opposite side of the impact due to brain movement within the skull.
  • Recurrent or Repetitive Brain Injuries: Also known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, this form of injury occurs in athletes and others who are repeatedly struck in the head over time.
  • Excessive rotational forces on the head, such as those experienced in a car accident or in shaken baby syndrome, produce axonal shearing.
  • Penetrating Injuries: When an object penetrates the skull and causes structural damage, this is known as a penetrating injury.

Non-Traumatic Brain Injury

Internal forces create these types of injury. Strokes, aneurysms, encephalitis, haemorrhage, and other non-traumatic brain injuries are common. The majority of these injuries are caused by infections or a disruption in blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain.

Treatment for a traumatic brain injury

When the brain is injured, the tissues and cells respond with a range of biological responses, including physiological and chemical changes in the brain. These alterations may cause more damage to delicate brain tissue, worsening the injury's severity.

Primary cell loss or death occurs as a result of the initial trauma, whereas secondary cell death occurs as a result of the brain's response to the trauma. This makes predicting the outcome and nature of brain damage difficult. A apparently slight damage can have far-reaching and terrible implications, yet a large cut or trauma may have relatively modest ramifications.

The precise identification and evaluation of the damage is the first stage in the therapy of brain injury. Time is of the importance; quick medical attention improves the prognosis significantly. The goal of treatment is to restore normal blood flow to the brain, maintain normal blood pressure, and prevent additional head and neck damage.

Large clots, bruising, or excess blood collection due to a haemorrhage may necessitate surgery in some situations. Anticonvulsants and diuretics (which lower fluid content) may be utilized, and a medically-induced coma may be established. Brain cells (neurons) do not divide or renew like the rest of the body.

This means that the damaged parts of the brain may never fully recover, and most people may experience long-term alterations in certain brain functioning.

Brain Injury Prevention

  • When participating in physical sports, wear a helmet.
  • When riding a motorcycle or cycling, wear a helmet.
  • Do not plunge into shallow pools or water bodies.
  • Because little children are more prone to accidents, keep a close eye on them while they play.
  • To avoid accidents on the road, stay alert.
  • Don't drive after drinking.
  • To avoid falls and accidents, make your surroundings more secure, especially for the elderly and little children.

Tennessee Neurofeedback is a leading provider of neuropsychological, psychological and medical services in Tennessee. To know more about their services such as concussion treatment Franklin TN, visit their website today or contact them at 615-290-8798.

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Jericho MIles

About the Author

Jericho MIles
Joined: June 21st, 2022
Articles Posted: 6

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