6 Typical myths about solar energy busted

Posted by genus innovation Limited on June 27th, 2022

The sun is an absolutely incredible and renewable source of energy that gives fuel to living beings on earth. The energy from the sun is clean and sustainable and is convertible through solar photovoltaic modules into Solar Energy. There is an increasing trend among people using solar energy in their homes and workplaces. The reason is that the solar products for home or offices are very cost-effective and save up to 80% of your electricity bill every month. 

Despite that, there are a few misconceptions about solar energy that create an obstacle to people opting for this system more. Some think using solar energy will be complicated, expensive, unreliable, etc. However, it’s time to cast some light on the facts as we bust those myths about solar energy. So keep on reading.

Debunked: 6 Myths about Solar Energy

Solar energy myths can keep you from making good decisions on adopting solar energy systems for your home or office. Here are 6 solar myths debunked once and for all. 

Myth #1. Solar panels are expensive

Absolutely not. The price of solar panels is very cost-effective. Over the past few years, solar panels have become more affordable since more and more common people are now willing to install solar panels in their homes and offices. Also, there are various government plans that let house owners go solar with absolutely zero up-front costs and savings on their electricity bills every month. In other words, solar panels help you save energy and money in the long run. To buy a premium quality solar battery for your home or office, reach out to Genus Innovation. 

Myth #2. Solar panels only work under sunshine

This is one of the most common myths. Many people assume that solar panels can not work in gloomy weather conditions and need sunny bright days to work properly. But that is not true. This system works perfectly well in places where there are extreme cloudy and cold conditions. Just like Germany, which produces more solar power than the USA. Solar panels are productive enough in monsoon or cold weather. As long as sun rays reach the earth, be it in summer or snow or on rainy days, you can thoroughly leverage solar technology. So you can use this sustainable solar power even at any time of the year without any worry. 

Myth #3. Solar panels can damage your roof

This myth is again groundless. Solar panels conserve and safeguard the rooftop they cover from any external factors like weather, bird, animal, etc. The panels are lightweight, have a convenient size, and are very efficient to use. Also, the experts who install the panels on your roof are well-trained. So they provide your roof with the best protection, utility, and aesthetics. You can purchase the best inverter battery for home at Genus Innovation. 

Myth #4. Installation of solar panels is difficult

This is again a ridiculous myth. Installation of solar panels is not a difficult task. Once you decide to get a solar panel installed, the best solar panel manufacturers and distributors get the installation done at your place with expert help. So installation is not your headache at all. 

Myth #5. Birds, wind, or animals can damage solar panels

There is a dense population of birds in India that sometimes raises the concern that solar panels might get damaged by birds or their droppings. However, you can avoid this damage by setting a scarecrow. It can keep the birds away. Also, you need to clean the panels every 15 to 30 days to get the most out of your solar panels. There is a tough glass panel on the system that safeguards it from easy breakage. So even monkeys standing on it or jumping on it, would not also cause any physical damage to it. Also, this system can easily endure storms, heavy winds, and other challenging weather conditions. Genus Innovation produces and installs high-quality solar products for home. So you can talk to us. 

Myth #6. Solar panels are not enough electrically efficient

This perception is also not correct. Solar panels are highly power-efficient. Even under not-so-good sunlight, solar panels can work and generate power to run heavy machines with maximum capability. 


So from the above discussion, we hope you have got a fair idea about how rubbish the prevailing myths about solar panels are. Solar energy is the most sustainable, clean, and renewable energy that also saves the world from damage. So without being shadowed by any myth, just go solar right away. Buy a solar battery or any other solar product from Genus Innovation to experience the plenty of benefits they offer. Get in touch with us for any further information on installing solar panels for your home or office. 

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genus innovation Limited
Joined: June 21st, 2022
Articles Posted: 17

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