Top 8 Benefits of using Organic Face Scrub and How to do it Right

Posted by Nitul Bhanjadeo on July 8th, 2022

A healthy skin care routine includes different steps along with facial scrub. Exfoliating your skin is as necessary as following a cleansing, toning, and moisturizing routine. Exfoliate can remove dirt, dead skin, and other impurities from the surface of your skin.

People have been using dried corn cobs, Crushed Sea shells for skin exfoliation. Organic face scrubs are made with natural ingredients like coffee grounds, sugar, finely ground sea salt, cinnamon, honey, oats, etc.

In this article, let's dig into the benefits of using organic facial scrub and how to do it properly.

What is an organic facial scrub?

An organic facial scrub is a skin care product that naturally exfoliates the skin following the cleanser. It helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, reducing the possibilities of clogged pores and acne breakouts.

Top 8 benefits of using an organic face scrub

For a healthy glow

For an organic skincare routine, you need organic skincare products. That is made with plant oils, butter, and gentle actives that nourish your skin while keeping its barrier intact.

Organic facial scrubs play a vital role in the routine. When you scrub your face in a circular motion, it removes the dirt and dead skin as well as promotes blood circulation. That makes a healthy and long-lasting glow to your facial skin. You can also make DIY face scrub at home using natural ingredients.

Unclogs Skin Pores

Sebum production is naturally produced in our skin. Sometimes the excess sebum production gets stored in your skin pores. Since the skin pores get clogged, it shows acne breakouts.

Face scrubbing gently removes the excess oil and unclogs the skin pores.

Prevents Ingrowth Hair

Ingrowth hair is one of the common issues in women's bodies. Most ingrown hair is the result of incorrect or aggressive hair removal.

The face scrub is the best way to prevent ingrown hair from ruining your facial appearance.

Choose an organic face scrub to make scrubbing safer and more beneficial.

Improves the Texture of Skin

Did you know? Our facial skin is thinner and more sensitive than other body parts. Exfoliation improves the texture of the skin by doing the skin renewal process.

Helps in Absorption of Skin Care Product

Before getting flawless skin, the skin care products need to get into the front. While you exfoliate the face with an organic face scrub, the other skincare products are correctly absorbed and blend easily on your skin.

Reduce Acne Marks

Using Organic face scrubs can reduce acne marks and other dark patches. With time, acne marks start getting lighter.

An organic scrub boosts the natural skin resurfacing process. Scrubbing your face removes the dead and damaged skin cells and lets the skin rejuvenate.

Prevents Premature Aging

Aging harms your skin. It promotes fine lines and wrinkles.

The skin has natural regenerative properties, repairing itself from time to time. However, as you age, this process delays down and, it needs the help of skin care products such as face scrubs, serums, etc., to nourish it.

Removes dead skin cells and Flakes

Flakes and dead Skin cells on your face make your face appear dry and dull. This is where the Organic face scrub jumps come into action. Facial scrub exfoliates your skin and helps eliminate flaky skin and dead skin cells, making it smoother.

How to Use Facial Scrub in the Right Way?

The facial scrub contains coarse particles which help to exfoliate the skin. Always exfoliate with wet fingers exercising the slightest pressure in a circular motion. The coarse particle rubs against your skin and removes dead skin cells and dirt from your skin pores making your skin softer and more delicate. It is recommended to do exfoliation once or twice a week.

Step to use an Organic Face Scrub:

Step 1: Wash your face with cold water and don't let it dry.

Step 2: Scoop out a little facial scrub in your palm.

Step 3: Apply it to your face, gently scrub in a circular motion, and give extra attention to areas like the top and corner of your nose, cheeks, and upper lips.

Step 4: continue the exfoliation for 10 to 15 seconds.

Step 5: Once you have done scrubbing, wash your face with cold or lukewarm water.


Using an organic face scrub can be an effective way to take care of your skin. Follow the steps mentioned in this article for a perfect exfoliation process using a face scrub.

Suppose you have sensitive skin, then choose the skin care product as per dermatology's advice. Remember to go for a patch test before applying it to your face.

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Nitul Bhanjadeo

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Nitul Bhanjadeo
Joined: July 8th, 2022
Articles Posted: 3

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