Welcome the lil'one home into an evening of fun with an online baby shower!

Posted by supermixentertainment on September 8th, 2022


The world has been turned upside down since 2020, with a staggering drop in motivation for people to step out and gather around to celebrate some of the most important moments that come about in life. As far as important life events go, there’s none more important than a baby shower. Through life’s greatest travails, from being a child to growing up and coming to terms with one’s own evolution as a human, a baby shower is not just about celebrating the incoming little one coming into one’s life, but a coming-of-age moment where one experiences a paradigm shift in terms of perspective and their idea as to what life truly is all about.

Sounds particularly heavy, doesn’t it? Well, all the more reason to gather everyone around and get a lit-up baby shower going! But alas, distance will always pose a problem and you’d hate to miss out on an opportunity to share such a momentous occasion with your near and dear ones. So how does one go about resolving this particular conundrum?
Is an online baby shower worth going for?
They say that where there’s a will, there’s a way. In this day and age, it goes without saying that technology has enabled people to come together without really being together. After all, it doesn’t matter if everyone’s in a real room or on a zoom call- but the memories and the vibes do!
Now you can’t be blamed for wondering if we are suggesting what we are indeed suggesting. An online baby shower? Really? What can one even get up to on a zoom baby shower? While Zoom indeed looks like a bland piece of video calling software that is only good for virtual corporate events, we’d say you haven’t really seen the amazing stuff one can do on Zoom and nobody other than the wonderfully gifted crew at Supermix Entertainment knows better!
Supermix has got the goods!
With the arsenal of camera experts, computer geeks, audio engineers, and computer wizards, Supermix Entertainment can turn your baby shower into an extravagant gala full of laughter and most importantly, fun times! After all, there’s nothing an oncoming baby loves more than everyone having a sweet ol’ time! The live host and DJs will work together to kick the evening off, and everyone who’s ever experienced the fun baby showers that Supermix Entertainment throw will know that nothing gets the party started quite like their slew of virtual baby shower games. Augmenting what the live host and DJs are already doing with the finesse of the guys working in the backdrop to add more pizzazz to the proceedings, Supermix Entertainment are pretty much the bonafide experts at getting a rad evening going!
To wrap things up…
Circumstances like the pandemic happen once in a century and force upon changes which, quite frankly, bring about feelings of being bummed out. However, a baby shower is essential and not something you can shirk off even if the world was coming to an end, so give the folks at Supermix Entertainment a ring and let the experts take charge of making sure that you have a memorable baby shower!
1. Why should we choose Supermix Entertainment for our online baby shower?
With their team of camera experts, audio engineers, IT experts, and extremely experienced hosts and DJs, Supermix throws the proverbial kitchen sink of fun at you while also helping take the load off you doing the mental gymnastics around planning your baby shower. Extensive discussions are undertaken to ensure that all the baby shower emanates the perfect vibes and all requirements are met.
2. Is this family-friendly?
You bet! :D
3. How much will this cost me?
Click the “Get Pricing” button and fill out the form so our team can reach out, understand your requirements, and provide you with the right quote!

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Joined: September 8th, 2022
Articles Posted: 6

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