The seventh Day of Navratri

Posted by Urvashi Sharma on September 10th, 2022

Today is Maa Kalaratri's day and the seventh day of Navratri 2022. During Navratri, Maa Durga, also known as Navdurga, is worshipped in her nine manifestations. On Saptami, the puja for Kalaratri is performed. Shardiya Navratri is the luckiest time of the year for Hindus. Navratri and Durga Puja are highly anticipated across the country. The most ferocious manifestation of Maa Durga or Goddess Parvati is thought to be Kalaratri Mata. Kal, which means time, and Ratri, which means darkness, make up her name. Darkness and evil are thought to be destroyed by Kalaratri. Scriptures claim that Parvati became known as Kalaratri Mata after she slew the demons Shumbha and Nishumbha by shedding her golden skin.

The main day of ceremonies for the goddess of strength is Maha Saptami (the 7th day). According to myth, the Goddess defeated Mahisasura, the most cunning demon in history, following a nine-day-long battle. The Goddess started her battle with the buffalo demon on Saptami and defeated him on the tenth, or on Dussehra.The Seventh Day of Navratri

Legend has it that Raktabeej and Dasta Shumbha-Nishumbha both had strokes in all three states. All the goddesses traveled to Shiva Ji out of worry. Shiva prayed to Parvati, the goddess, to slay the demons and safeguard their believers. Goddess Parvati, thinking about Lord Shiva, took the shape of Durga and slew Shumbha-Nishumbha. But as soon as Durga put an end to the bloodshed, her body's blood discharge created millions.

About Maa Kalaratri Story 

Goddess Kalratri has a complexion that is midnight black. She is carried by a donkey. The Goddess has four hands; the right two remain in the Abhaya and Varada mudras, while the left two are used to hold a sword and a hook-shaped weapon.

According to folklore, two demons named Shumbha and Nishumbha had kidnapped the entire Devlok (holy abode of Devas). Indra, the ruler of the gods, suffered a crushing defeat. They asked Maa Parvati for assistance so they could reclaim their house. She was taking a bath inside while they told her the full tale. She sent Chandi to aid them because she wanted to.

Shumbha and Nishumbha dispatched Chanda and Munda to battle when Goddess Chandi went to the demons for battle. So, to destroy them, she created Maa Kalratri. She was given the name Chamunda after she killed them. Then Raktabeej showed up. This demon was capable of using his blood to recreate his body. The devil created a new body for himself each time Goddess killed him and his blood fell to the earth. In order to prevent anything from dropping to the ground, Kalratri Durga made the decision to drink all of his blood. It truly worked.

Numerous additional legends are connected to Kaalratri. One of them explains how Maa Parvati evolved into Durga. According to the myth, the demon Durgasur was attempting to attack Kailash (the revered location of Shiva-Parvati) without Maa Parvati. She then dispatched Kal Ratri to deal with him. The demons' guards attempted to assault Kala Ratri, but she grew larger and larger. She eventually grew to be too strong to control. Although Maa Kalratri warned Durgasura that his death was imminent, he had to depart. Durgapur attempted to assault Kailasha once again, but Maa Parvati engaged him in combat and killed him. Thus, she was given the name Durga.

Maa Kalaratri Form and Appearance

This avatar is portrayed as the Goddess in a devastating aspect. She is pictured astride a pitch-black donkey. She has four hands and dark ebony skin. She is holding a sword and an iron hook in her left hand while her hands are in the Abhaya and varada mudras. She is alleged to have sucked the blood of the demon Rakta Beeja, who was capable of spawning more demons from his own blood. She is also known as Goddess Shubhankari due to the abilities she possesses.

7th Day Rituals & Puja Vidhi for Navratri

Bathing Navapatrika: The nine planets are said to be highly lucky on this day, tithi, and at these times. People worship the nine planets, which are bound together and bathed in the Ganges River before sunrise. These nine planets stand for banana, pomegranate, turmeric, Ashoka, bel, arum plant, colocasia, and rice. The pooja then commences. You must be asking yourself, "Why nine planets?" Devi Durga established "Ashtanayika," which were the eight fighting partners, throughout the conflict. Devi herself, along with the other eight goddesses, represented "NavaDurga". The monster was fought using these forms.

Rituals for Goddess Saraswati: On the seventh day of Maha Saptami, Goddess Durga is typically worshipped as Goddess Saraswati in the southern areas of India, particularly in Kerala. They pray for wisdom and understanding while keeping books and musical instruments in front of her.

Maha Snan: Such a lovely ritual would make you feel content in your heart. The goddess Durga's reflection is in a mirror. This mirror receives a ceremonial bathing procedure called a Maha scan.

Prana Pratishtha: One of the main ceremonies of Saptami is prana pratishtha. In front of the god is a pot containing holy water, a cluster of five mango leaves, and a coconut. Invoking the Goddess in the deity is done by the singing of hymns and chants.

The advantages of Kalratri Devi worship are numerous.

A furious Maa Durga battles ghosts and demons in her seventh apparition while defending her followers from the dark side. Those who commit themselves to Maa Kalratri may conquer life's obstacles, such as fear, failure, or sadness. overcoming challenges in life? Get reactions. According to legend, Maa Kalratri controls the horoscope's Shani (Saturn) planet. Anyone experiencing the negative affects of Shani is encouraged to do a Kalratri Puja or Durga Puja. Shani Grah receives instructions from Maa Kalratri on how to lessen its negative consequences.


ॐ देवी कालरात्र्यै नमः॥

Prarthana Mantra:

एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूरा नग्ना खरास्थिता।
लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिकाकर्णी तैलाभ्यक्त शरीरिणी॥
वामपादोल्लसल्लोह लताकण्टकभूषणा।
वर्धन मूर्धध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयङ्करी॥


या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ कालरात्रि रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

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Urvashi Sharma

About the Author

Urvashi Sharma
Joined: September 10th, 2022
Articles Posted: 1