How to wake up happy in the morning?

Posted by Marry Grover on September 15th, 2022

Bedtime is the most glorious time out of the 24 hours for many. You hit the bed, lay your worries aside, think of happy thoughts, and drift off to dreamland. Even if this is not what happens with many of us, it is how this should be. But, many people either have untreated sleeping disorders or a churning mind that doesn’t allow them to sleep peacefully. While you need a proper diagnosis and treatment plan to deal with the prior, changing certain sleep habits can help with the latter. So here are some tips to help you wake up feeling refreshed and happy in the morning. Here you go!

  1. Break up with your phone:

What is the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night? Most of the answers will have something to do with phones. Maybe you scroll through your feed or check your emails. 

But, as tempting as it is to run through your social media feed, it derails your routine. Experts suggest that using your phone at night makes you get poor-quality sleep while checking your cell phone in the morning makes you late for work. So, breaking up with this addiction can help you wake up happy in the morning.

2. Smell something nice:

Let’s be honest; mornings suck. Especially when you have to wake up early and head to the office. Inhaling soothing scents may not help you sleep more, but these stimulating smells can awaken your senses and energize you. For this purpose, it may be nice to buy an aromatherapy diffuser. Some invigorating scents you may choose from include lemon, spearmint, bergamot, clove, peppermint, and orange.

3. Stretch a little:

If waking up stiff in the morning is the cause of your bad mood, stretching might help. Doing so can help get the blood flowing in your muscles. People who sleep in the same position throughout the night or have a bed-hog for a partner should especially follow this. Stretching could also help you get along with your day by increasing your flexibility and decreasing the risk of getting injured.

4. Choose water over caffeine:

For a happy and feel-good morning, remember to hydrate your system before injecting yourself with a shot of caffeine. It will revive your metabolism and keep you from dehydrating. Since lack of water in the body can cause confusion, fatigue, dizziness, and infrequent urination, taking a glass full of water in the morning is recommended.

5. Use a sleep app for keeping track:

In the present world, where gadgets have become a necessity and are no more dispensable, there is an app for everything. Using these apps, you can keep track of your sleep habits and check how many hours of deep sleep you are getting. 

Other devices you should invest in are a white noise machine or apps that can help you get a good night’s rest. Playing soothing music can help your rest better, so you wake up happy in the morning.

So, these are a few tips to feel happy and refreshed in the morning.

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Marry Grover

About the Author

Marry Grover
Joined: November 26th, 2020
Articles Posted: 38

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