The Benefits of Taking a Site Manager NVQ Online

Posted by Janet Gee on September 23rd, 2022

Enrolling for a Site Manager NVQ

            There are many reasons as to why you may decide to enrol on a Site Manager NVQ. Some may be looking to progress their current career; others may be looking to improve on their existing skillset. Regardless of your reason for taking the course, it’s important that you explore the courses available to you. There will be lots of providers offering Site Management NVQ’s, and it is important that you choose the one that is going to best aid your progression. Some courses will be hosted in a face-to-face environment, others will be hosted online. Course delivery can have a big impact on your learning and being made to pick a course can be quite confusing and stressful. This article will look at the pros and cons of online learning in the hopes to help clear up any confusion regarding distance learning.

Online site manager NVQ pro’s

            The benefits of online learning have been a subject of debate for years. Many say you are unable to deliver content as effectively as you would in an offline environment. However, with the advances of modern technology, there are now many benefits to learning online.


            One of the most well-known benefits of online learning is its accessibility. Due to a decreased need for travel, accommodation or resource, online learning is significantly cheaper. Educational bodies that operate online need not consider funding large spaces in which they deliver content. Moreover, they don’t need to supply desks, books, or computers for example. This can help them keep the cost of delivery down, meaning you need to pay less for the course. Additionally, because they are delivered online you do not need to be worried about location. You are able to stay at home whilst learning, keeping down your own travel or living expenses.


            As well as keeping the cost of learning down, learning at home can also offer much more flexibility with its timetable. The extent of content covered in online courses varies depending on what you choose to study. Many courses work their timetable around full-time employment. This enables you to continue with previous full-time commitments whilst you learn.

This can be greatly beneficial to those already working in full time employment. It means that not only do you not need to take time off work, but it can provide you with an even better opportunity to learn. For example, if you are taking a course that is relevant to your current job, you can apply the skills you learn in a practical sense and vice versa. A site manager NVQ will involve a lot of practical understanding. Being able to put this work into practice whilst you learn can be very helpful.


            Another benefit to online learning is that it is easily adaptable to suit most learning styles. Many can find the classroom learning environment noisy and distracting. Others prefer to learn with background noise as they find silence distracting. With online learning you are able to choose an environment that suits you. If you prefer to learn in an environment in which there is a consistent level of noise, you can learn in a coffee shop or internet café. If you prefer a silent learning environment, you can pick a room at home or the library. Furthermore, this can mean increased attendance from the students. Without the need to commute, it’s a lot easier to join lectures, especially if you are feeling unwell.

Health Implications

            Although it is not as prominent concern as it has been in the past, the pandemic has changed our outlook on social gatherings. Given the fear and loss that people went through during coronavirus, many people have become uncomfortable in large social situations. Online learning removes this fear. It doesn’t mean you have to stay at home and live reclusively, but it means you can learn in environments that suit you.

Online site manager qualification cons 

            Although online learning has many advantages, in order to make it a fair assessment it is also important to look at its disadvantages. It is important to note that not all online course providers offer the same delivery method. With that in mind, these negatives will not apply to every course.


            Everyone is guilty of a little procrastination here and there. The risk of increased procrastination is very prominent when learning alone however. Firstly, the environment in which you will be learning, will be completely different to past experiences. You wont have the same level of support and social interaction as you would within a classroom. Next, you already need to be pretty self-motivated to learn online. Without that internal drive to get up and go, you may find it hard to complete the course. A site manager NVQ require a lot of work, so you need to be dedicated to the course.


            Learning in a face-to-face environment allows you to spend time with likeminded individuals with similar goals. This is a great environment to be in. It can help motivate, support and drive you to want to improve your current skills. With some online learning courses, this isn’t possible. Many courses are delivered via YouTube videos. This completely removes any kind of socialisation between you and your peers and lecturers. This ties in with another issue at hand. If you are just watching pre-recorded content, you lose the ability to be inquisitive. Everyone learns at different rates and in different ways, if you are not able to ask questions or participate in discussions, you may miss some points being raised.

Technological troubles

            This is almost unavoidable. As much as we rely on technology on a daily basis, its not perfect. There is every chance that one day you may forget your charger, you might not be able to establish an internet connection, you might break your laptop. There are many potential problems that can arise when relying on technology to learn. This issue isn’t necessarily just applicable to online learning, however. Technical faults can happen at any time, in any setting. It is always best to be prepared and make a plan B if you are considering learning online.

Screen time

            Finally, it is no secret that too much screen time is unhealthy for us. Anyone working with computers should be frequently taking breaks from the screen to allow their eyes the opportunity to rest. It’s reported that the blue light radiated from screens can be harmful in many ways, including disrupting your sleep pattern and hurting your eyes. Both adults and young people need to be conscious about how often they are looking at screens. We use our phones, tablets, and computers all day. We then go home and use our televisions or laptops to play, watch and study. Therefore, if you are thinking about online learning, you also need to be prepared to take time away from the screen.

Site Management NVQ’s online

            There are good arguments both for and against learning a site manager NVQ online. When working out which course is best for you, you need to consider both sides of the coin. Personally, I enjoy online learning. This comes down to my own personal experience. I did an online course with the College of Contract Management, and it was great. Not only did it have the all the benefits listed above, but their delivery style was also able to mitigate some of the negatives too.

            Lectures ate the College of Contract Management are delivered via live online calls. This means you are able to speak freely with your lecturer but also with fellow students. This helped to motivate me and provided a good level of support, making sure I didn’t fall behind in my studies. Also, the lectures were hosted at the weekend. This meant I was able to get time away from my screen in the evenings. Additionally, I was able to take time away from the screen before and after lectures.

A final look at taking your site management NVQ online

            A site manager NVQ qualification is very beneficial and can really help progress your career and enhance your earning prospects. Online learning facilities such as the College of Contract Management provide ample learning opportunities. They use innovative lecture delivery to give you the best side of learning online without the negatives. Finally, through online courses you are still able to meet and befriend new people. Meeting people with similar goals can be an excellent guide to help you improve your capabilities.

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Janet Gee

About the Author

Janet Gee
Joined: September 1st, 2022
Articles Posted: 12

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