Should You Consider 3D Rendering for Amazon Product Images?

Posted by AMZ One Step on October 9th, 2022

3D rendered could be the difference between somebody clicking on your listing or scrolling past it. 3D rendering is the process of digitally recreating your Amazon product in three dimensional form.

The images are created with a software that can sim. Physical effects like lighting and gravity, the end result is crisp and clean images of your product. So let's take a look at why 3D rendering is becoming so popular amongst sellers on Amazon. Okay, so we are lucky enough to have Kamal here who is a expert on 3D rendering, and one question we get all the time.

Why is 3D rendering becoming so popular on Amazon and amongst Amazon sellers? So Kamal, can you fill us in as to why 3D rendering is becoming so popular? It's mainly because of the. Competitive nature of the Amazon marketplace and Amazon sellers are always looking for more ways to get more clicks. And 3D rendering can offer you that superior quality that regular photos cannot.

And right now there's lots of niches on Amazon, which are completely being dominant. Uh, by the 3D rendering. And if it's not, it could be a great opportunity for you to take advantage of that 3D rendering. And 3D rendering is not just getting popular on Amazon, it's also getting popular in many other industries like real estate or a few others.

So now this is really cool. Let me take you through the process of 3D rendering a product. The client had sent us a product, but in actuality, they could have sent the designer pictures of their product and measurements, and the designer can actually get to work right away before they even have the product.

But that being said, it's always good to send us the product for the most accurate results. Once the 3D specialist examines the product, they'll then go ahead and create a 3D model. In the software, the specialist then renders the images from that 3D model. Once you have the 3D model of the product, you can get shots from any angle that you want.

You now have a 360 degree view of your product. So a lot of people are always asking, do 3D rendered images actually confer better than regular images? Although there's no hard numbers provided by Amazon in our experience, they definitely do. We've done several case studies of AB testing, 3D rendered images compared to regular images, and generally around 80% of people choose the 3D rendered images.

The next common question, when should you get your products 3d? 3D rendering isn't right for every product, but here are some cases where you should definitely get it done. If your competitors are 3D rendering their products, it's probably a good idea to get your products 3D rendered as well. The idea is that we can help you match the quality of your competitors images or in most.

Do even better. Another instance where it would be really good to take advantage of 3D rendering is if you have a really complicated product, because what you can do is create exploded images and these types of images show all the intricacies of your product. The next situation we're taking advantage of 3D rendering is a really good idea is if you have multiple variations of your product, but variations, like maybe you have multiple colors.

So if you have multiple variations of color, instead of doing shoots for each variation. The designer can go ahead and just change the color and render out the images. Real simple. You can actually get your packaging 3D rendered as well so that all of your brand colors and brand message are consistent with your products.

So what type of products should you always get 3D rendered? Well, one of the types of products you should probably get, I have right here.

Something like a glass bottle, you're always gonna want to get this 3D rendered. Well, why? Because it reflects so much. When you're taking images of something that's very reflective like glass or metal, you're always gonna want to 3D render it. Otherwise, you're probably gonna see a lot of lights reflected in it, and you could even see the camera, and that can be very hard for designers to try and p.

After the fact. So now let's look at the pros of 3D rendering. So the first obvious pro is that you're always gonna get crisp and clear photos. The second pro is that once you have that 3D model in place, you can get as many renders as you want. It's not limited to one photo shoot. And then if you have something, you don.

You have to go shoot it again. You have 360 degree access, meaning you can get images from any angle and we can re render them out again as many times as you may need. Now let's take a look at the cons of 3D rendering. If not done correctly, 3D rendering can look terrible and you might be better off just taking regular photo.

The second con, I guess it's kind of a con, is that it does take about two days to fully 3D render a product. It's clearly not as fast as Amazon Product Photography because you can generally get a photo shoot done in about half a day. If you have, say, a hundred products, then it probably makes more sense to just do photo shoots.

The third con, I guess, could qualify as a con is that it is a bit more expensive than regular photography, but when I say. Don't get too scared because it's not drastically more. Another popular question is, is 3D rendering Amazon compliant? All right, so the other question I have for you, Kamal, is, is it Amazon C.

Yeah, that's a great question, Nolan. So we have done over, you know, uh, 50,000 listing images for Amazon. And, uh, lots of those images are 3D rendered images, and we have never seen any single listing taken down just because it was rendered. So technically it's not Amazon compliant because it's, uh, an illustration.

It's not the actual product photo just because the, um, the technology has. It felt so much that those 3D rendered images, they look so real and customers have great user experience. And now the final golden question. Where do I get my 3D rendering done? Well, the premier company to get your products 3D rendered.

Is obviously AMZ One Step, we'll be able to precisely create images that will showcase it in a way that people are just gonna be drawn to the image.


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AMZ One Step

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AMZ One Step
Joined: July 7th, 2019
Articles Posted: 30

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