Law of Attraction & Manifesting

Posted by Malisa Jhon on December 24th, 2022

I don't care who you talk to, or how long we human beings have been naturally endowed with the capability to conjure up whatever our souls desire to create -- manifesting isn't easy at first! The human-hive-mind we've all conjured up, is strange enough and strong enough, that it fights hard to hold onto every scrap of the fabric of our beings, especially when it comes to those of us who'd like to get off of the hive train at the next nearest stop.

When this happens, there are dozens of little tricks the collective consciousness and even our own minds can play on us to keep us subservient and compliant with the rules we're supposed to believe we need to follow in this shared reality. Simple but horrid things, like television or radio commercials, Quantum Manifestation Code Review can set a person back months in terms of their work to undo subconscious deprogramming. Just one commercial reminding you of how hard your life is, and how much you lack -- can topple down what is essentially just a house of cards for most newbie manifestors.

Heck, even for some of us intermediate conjurers, there are still plenty of things that can set us back. Especially things that are lurking within our subconscious minds. Things like doubts, complexes, negative self-talk, and so on.

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Malisa Jhon

About the Author

Malisa Jhon
Joined: December 24th, 2022
Articles Posted: 1