Tips To Prepare Eggless Chocolate Mousse

Posted by Rehan on January 24th, 2023

We will teach you how to make an eggless chocolate mousse as light as air yet as rich in chocolate flavour as any other kind. You will also find suggestions on the finest ingredients and how to keep your mousse best. Despite its French name, the delicacy known as the chocolate mousse is simple. The flavour is out of this world, and the texture is airy, rich, and creamy.


  • The cream is essential in achieving the desired level of decadence to go with the chocolate. Heavy cream or whipping cream may be used to make whipped cream. Make sure the milk fat percentage is at least 30% if you use heavy cream. Alternatively, dairy-free whipped toppings, readily sold in Indian supermarkets, may be used instead.
  • Melt the chocolate, butter, and coffee powder in the microwave in 30-second increments, whisking after each until the chocolate is melted and smooth. The chocolate will continue to melt because of the remaining heat, so stop stirring just before you believe it's melted.
  • Whip the cream until soft peaks form in a separate basin using a hand mixer (approx 7-10 minutes). A stand mixer may also be used for this purpose. Whip everything one more and then add the vanilla essence.
  • Toss the chocolate sauce cooled into the whipped cream and fold until combined.
  • Make individual servings of mousse by piping it into jars or ramekins using a piping bag. This may be served immediately or chilled for up to 2 hours before serving.
  • Before serving, decorate with more whipped topping and chocolate shavings.
  • To make this dish suitable for vegans, use dairy-free whipped cream.
  • The chocolate will continue to melt because of the remaining heat, so stop stirring just before you believe it's melted. Place in a cool place.
  • Before folding whipped cream into melted chocolate, ensure the chocolate has cooled completely.
  • Instead of whisking, fold the chocolate and whipped cream together with a rubber spatula. This keeps the whipped cream's airy texture for longer.
  • Keep refrigerated for up to a week if stored in an airtight container.
  • To make the ganache, combine chocolate, sugar, butter, and a little cream in a pot and melt over very low heat, stirring occasionally.
  • Once it has melted 90%, take it from the heat and keep swirling until it is completely melted, then transfer it to a glass basin to cool at room temperature.
  • To serve, beat some cold cream into stiff peaks when the ganache has cooled.
  • Carefully incorporate the cream without squeezing the mixture. The lighter and fluffier the finished mousse, the more air you must trap.
  • Only try to whisk the cream if you add hot ganache. Take your time and wait 45 minutes or so until it reaches room temperature.
  • To whip the cream, it has to be chilled.
  • When whipping the cream, it's important to do just what is necessary. Until it reaches its hard apex, you should continue beating it. Too much processing will cause a gritty texture or, even worse, separation.


Be careful to incorporate the cream. The act of folding entails removing a little portion of food from the bottom of the bowl and folding it over itself. Incorporating this strategy into your mixing routine will protect the air you so carefully whipped into the cream from being displaced.

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