Here is what you need to know if you are suffering from joint pain

Posted by Scott Hoots on January 29th, 2023

Joint pain is one of the most common types of pain. Joints are small, delicate structures that connect bone to bone and allow for movement of your body. Joints can become inflamed from overuse or from other reasons, such as injury or infection.

For example, you may feel joint pain after lifting something heavy or doing sports that involve twisting your body in different directions. If you have swelling in your joints, it's usually a sign of an injury or infection. Swelling occurs when fluids build up around your cartilage — the tissue that cushions your joints and allows them to move smoothly against each other.

Joint pain can also be caused by osteoarthritis pain, which is a disease that causes your cartilage to wear down over time, leading to inflammation in your joints and painful walking and standing.

Why the location of joint pain matters:

The type of joint pain you experience is determined by the location of the joint and the way it's affected.

The location of your joints can determine which muscles are affected. For example, if you have arthritis pain in your knees and hips, you're going to feel pain in those two areas as well as in other parts of your body. 

Your doctor will be able to diagnose what's causing your joint pain based on your medical history, physical exam, and lab tests. If a joint has been injured or dislocated (fractured), a physician may medications to ease symptoms. You may also need surgery if conservative treatments don't work or if conservative treatment doesn't resolve symptoms within a certain period of time.

If you've had an injury to one or more joints, it's important to make sure you don't reinjure that area during exercise or activity in the future. If you do reinjure that area during activity, there could be serious consequences such as bone fractures, nerve damage, or even amputation (loss of a leg).

What causes joint pain:

Joint pain can be caused by a number of different conditions, including:

  • Overuse. When you're constantly moving your joints through a range of motion that's too high for them to handle, it may lead to wear and tear on your cartilage surfaces. This is called overuse injury and it can happen even if you don't do any exercise. For example, playing sports or working at a desk all day can cause this kind of injury.

  • Inflammation. Inflammation is an immune response that happens when the body's tissues are injured or irritated. It causes redness, swelling, heat, and pain in the affected area. This can lead to joint problems like arthritis pain, or bursitis.

  • Injury. A serious sprain or fracture in one or more bones can also cause joint pain because it affects the way a joint functions when it's injured.

How to treat joint pain:

The first thing to do for joint pain treatment in Sherman is to take a break from physical activity. This will give your muscles time to rest and recover, which will help reduce your pain. You can also try some of the following:

Ice packs - Wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it to the painful area for about 20 minutes, 3 times a day. The cold stimulation will help reduce inflammation and swelling.

You may benefit from some relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, both of which have been shown to increase blood flow to the body, particularly to areas with reduced circulation (like your legs), which increases oxygenation in those areas and reduces inflammation. 

QC Kinetix (Sherman)
300 North Highland Ave, #540, Sherman, TX, 75092,

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Scott Hoots

About the Author

Scott Hoots
Joined: January 29th, 2023
Articles Posted: 1