THE Association Among Search engine optimization AND YOUR Site CONTENT System - Pennink Productions

Posted by Liz Seyi on February 6th, 2023

The design, development and launch of a new website for your brand will unquestionably be an exciting process. Choosing the colour scheme, selecting the most suitable imagery – the whole experience might seem magical, at least until you get to the point of having to think seriously about your website’s content strategy.

The fact is, content can make or break your website. It might seem a lot to suggest that a poorly worded page can be the difference between your business succeeding or failing, but it can certainly be a considerable influence on the effectiveness of your brand’s digital marketing online. That, in turn, can greatly impact on the success of your business as a whole.

Don’t underestimate the power of SEO

Good, appealing online content is rooted in SEO: search engine optimisation. For the purposes of digital marketing online, you need to infuse the pages of your website with the terms that your brand’s target customers actually search for via Google and the other leading search engines. Knowing which keywords to use, and when, can greatly help to elevate your website in the search engine rankings.

It is essential, then, to have a website content strategy that recognises the importance of and incorporates SEO – whatever your brand’s sector or current level of prominence may be.

It’s all well and good that your website looks beautiful, but this is where the site’s true performance lies. After all, if search engine spiders can’t find your website, how will your everyday customer?

Breaking your business down for SEO

When writing content for your website, you won’t want to confuse or overwhelm potential consumers with indigestible, irrelevant, or unneeded detail. This isn’t what truly effective website content is about!

So instead, start by defining your unique selling position: what do you have to offer that your competitors don’t? What do you do to set your business apart from the rest? Define this, and it will be far easier to break your business down into a few key phrases for SEO purposes.

Internet users have a limited attention span, and this is something digital marketing online must wrestle with: grab the attention of future customers with snappy, summarised phrases about what you do. Short and sweet attention-grabbing titles can go a long way to capturing the interest of the right people.

When writing content for the rest of your website in line with SEO trends, aside from attention-grabbing titles, be sure to carry out keyword research. Good keyword research comes from looking at Google Analytics, and potentially other platforms, and making note of what keywords are likeliest to help your brand in its efforts to hook in the right people online.

Aiming for that ‘sweet spot’ of keywords that are relatively high-volume, but attract relatively low competition, will be just one thing that assists you in putting together a potent, SEO-informed content strategy for your site.

Once you have analysed your own site, look at competitors: how do they draw customers in? After you understand this information, it will be time to write down all the longtail keywords you are considering using: think phrases that are important to describing your business, and getting your ethos across.

The keywords and phrases that show up most frequently on search engines for your business’s industry can be used to greatly inform your website content strategy, and help you in fleshing out a smart, accessible, and engaging website for your intended audience.

Keeping up to date on the latest high-volume, low-competition keywords can also guide you in your efforts to regularly freshen up your website content; a sure way to reel in both new and returning customers, time and time again.

Get your own website content strategy just right with our help

Are you ready to start discovering the true power that SEO-informed content can have for your brand’s digital marketing online? If so, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the PENNInk Productions team today for a friendly chat about your needs and expectations, and how we can help.

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Liz Seyi

About the Author

Liz Seyi
Joined: August 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1,438

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