Everything you need to know about joint pain and its treatment

Posted by Scott Hoots on February 20th, 2023

Joint pain is a common problem and can be caused by many different things — from injury to joint pain. When you have joint pain, it can affect your ability to function normally. If you have joint pain and stiffness, there are a few things you can do to help relieve your discomfort.

What causes joint pain

Joints are the points where two or more bones meet. The ends of the bones are covered with a thin layer of tissue called cartilage, which prevents friction. In addition, small amounts of fluid between the cartilage and bone also reduce friction. Joints may become inflamed when something damages the joint surface or causes irritation in the tissues around the joint.

Some common causes of joint pain include:

  • Injury  

A fall or other injury can cause damage to the joints. Fractures, sprains, and dislocations are all injuries that may result in joint pain.

  • Osteoporosis 

Bone loss leads to weakened bones that are more likely to break or fracture.

  • Joint dislocation 

The bones in your joint move out of place and irritate surrounding tissues, causing inflammation and pain.

  • Gout  

Gout occurs when uric acid crystals form in your joints due to high levels of uric acid in your bloodstream — this often happens due to an excess intake of purines found in foods such as liver, kidney, and other meats.

Best ways to treat the joint pain

Joint pain can vary from mild to severe and may be felt in one specific joint in several joints at once. The pain may be constant or it may come and go. It may feel like a dull ache, tingling sensation, or sharp pain. The joint may feel warm or hot to the touch, especially when you are active. If your joint pain lasts more than two weeks, it's important to seek joint pain treatment in Toledo. Following are some of the ways of joint pain treatment,

  • Heat or cold packs

Heat and cold therapy may be used to reduce inflammation and swelling. The heat helps loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow to the area. Cold reduces swelling and decreases pain by slowing down nerve impulses in the area.

  • Anti-inflammatory medications

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), and naproxen sodium (Aleve) can reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Be sure to follow the directions carefully when taking these medications so that you do not cause additional harm to your body by overdosing on them.

  • Exercise

Light exercise may help relieve symptoms of joint pain over time by increasing blood flow to the affected area. However, if you have severe joint pain from an injury or illness it is best to avoid strenuous activity until the condition has improved enough for you to do it. Exercising helps in strengthening the muscles around your joints, which makes them flexible and reduces their stiffness. You can also try yoga or pilates classes at a gym or community center near your house if you do not know how to exercise on your own.

  • Getting enough rest and sleep

Sleep helps to relax your muscles and reduces stress on your joints.

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Scott Hoots

About the Author

Scott Hoots
Joined: February 20th, 2023
Articles Posted: 1