Signs It's Time to Call for Pest Control

Posted by Gale Freeman on March 30th, 2023

Few homeowners need to be told twice that it's time to call an exterminator if they turn on the light and see cockroaches scatter. However, most pest problems aren't so obvious, at least at first. Instead of waiting until a full-blown infestation occurs, keep an eye out for the following signs it's time to find an exterminator serving the Washington area.

Pest Droppings

There's no need for homeowners to wait until they see rodents or insects to call Pest control specialists. After all, most pests are nocturnal. Instead, keep an eye out for pest droppings, especially in hidden places like cabinets, attics, basements, and crawl spaces. Where there are droppings, there are pests, so don't put off calling until the problem gets worse.

Unpleasant Odors

Pest problems often include unpleasant odors. From dead rodents hidden behind walls to the unusual scents left behind by bed bugs, homeowners should pay close attention to their noses. If they can't identify the source of an unpleasant or unusual odor, it may be coming from pest droppings, urine, pheromones, and other sources.

Strange Sounds

Homeowners often find that unusual sounds offer them the first clue that it's time to call a wildlife removal service. Scratching, scuttling, gnawing, squeaking, and whining sounds aren't being produced by old pipes. They're coming from critters hiding in attics or crawlspaces, behind walls, or elsewhere in the home.

Sometimes, insect pests also alert homeowners to their presence through strange noises. Termites are a good example. They make a distinctive, soft tapping sound behind the walls as they gnaw through wood.

Unexplained Bug Bites

While it's normal to have a few mosquito bites after coming back from a hike in the woods, especially around dawn or dusk, there's no reason that a home's residents should be getting bug bites while they're inside. Bed bugs, spiders, fleas, and other insects can all deliver vicious bites, some of which are distinctive to the species. Take pictures of the bites to show the exterminator when they arrive to help narrow down the problem.

Peace of Mind

Not sure if there's a pest problem? Pest control services in Washington DC can also perform inspections that help to identify current infestations as well as possible entry points for nuisance wildlife, rodents, and insects. When in doubt, it's better to call and schedule an inspection than to allow a pest problem to get out of control before taking action. For the best results, call an exterminator today.

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Gale Freeman

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Gale Freeman
Joined: July 31st, 2022
Articles Posted: 132

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