The Goodness of Our Dreary Chocolates

Posted by Naksha Rana on April 3rd, 2023

Everybody is fond of chocolates- whether a child or an adult. Chocolate expresses our feelings. It can be a perfect gift. You may give someone expensive things, but chocolate has something special. And chocolate is suitable to give to anyone and on any occasion. Sometimes you do not need any occasion to give chocolates. If somebody is special to you, give them chocolates whenever you meet her. She will feel special and will love it.

Benefits of chocolates

You can give chocolates to convince one, which can be a birthday gift. When you do not meet someone for several months, give them chocolates, it will make them remember you.

You will get various chocolates in India, like milk chocolate, dark chocolates, cocoa powder etc. Chocolates are enriched with goodness. There are a lot of benefits of chocolates. 

Rich in nutrition- Chocolates are mixed with minerals like phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, and copper. Also, chocolate contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, sodium etc. But we can not imagine that Chocolate has so much goodness in it. Chocolates also contain antioxidants that protect your cells from inflammation.

Boost immunity in your body- Taking chocolates daily in reasonable quantities may improve immunity. It will protect you from seasonal illness. With changing seasons, we suffer from viral fever, cough, skin rash etc. Chocolate boosts our immune power, which keeps us healthy.

Lowers the risk of heart attack- A study reveals that Chocolate lowers cardiovascular disease by 9% and improves health. Chocolates are also very effective in lowering blood pressure. It increases the blood flow to your heart, lowering the risk of a heart attack.

Performance of athletics- Chocolates might increase the availability of oxygen. That is why, before a performance, an athlete eats chocolates. Dark Chocolate has flavonoids, also known as epicatechins, which release nitric acid, improving overall performance and boosting energy.

Cognitive development- A study reveals that taking two cups of hot chocolate daily keeps the brain healthy and develops memory because Chocolate improves blood circulation, which is good for the brain. 

Good for a pregnant mother- According to research, if a pregnant woman eats 30g of chocolates every day, it will be helpful for fatal growth and development. 

Stress reducer- Chocolate contains valeric acid, which helps to reduce Stress. We must do a lot of work every day, and we feel stressed the whole day. Always keep Chocolate in your bag. It will relieve you from Stress.

Help to lose weight- Yes, it may sound awkward. Frankly, there is a rumour that chocolates increase body weight. But in research, it is found that chocolates help to lose body weight and BMI. 

Alternative to sugar cravings- People worldwide love the taste of sweets. But it is not healthy for our body to intake sugar much. And In India, we always celebrate occasions with sweets. Many people have so many sugar cravings that they forget their sugar levels. So eating chocolates can be a good alternative to sugar. Chocolates are more beneficial than sugar. 

Trigger anti-inflammatory response- Because of inflammation, you can suffer from many health issues like headaches, sore muscles etc. Chocolate releases anti-inflammatory effects in your body. Cocoa polyphenols help regulate the bacterial composition in your intestine, triggering an anti-inflammatory response. 


Though there are a lot of benefits of chocolates, we must take chocolates in proper amounts. Taking Excessive amounts of anything can be harmful to us. Though we crave chocolates, we should control ourselves to take Chocolate uncontrollably. Many people eat chocolates at any time and in any quantity. This can be the reason for bad health. Chocolates are sweet; you take chocolates in the proper quantity, which improves your health.

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Naksha Rana

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Naksha Rana
Joined: July 18th, 2022
Articles Posted: 39

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